Mosaic of broken glass bottles. Mosaic of glass bottles. What glue to use

Mosaic always looks very impressive and magically transforms any interior; it even bears some resemblance to the art of creating stained glass. At home, you can use glass mosaics in a whole range of works to decorate your apartment: from decorating flower stands to decorating exotic panels on the walls.

Learn how to create a beautiful glass mosaic with your own hands

In the process of creating a mosaic, you can combine colored glass with a variety of materials:

  • glass waste
  • fragments of tiles and facing ceramic tiles
  • shells
  • stones
  • colored pebbles
  • beads
  • beads, etc.

It is almost impossible to make a glass mosaic without a previously prepared drawing or sketch of the future finished work. They can be represented by the following types:

  • strictly geometric sketch
  • copy of a painting
  • abstract drawing
  • classical composition
  • whimsical fantasy picture

The shape and color range of the material is always chosen in accordance with the design. Mosaics are created from broken, broken or cut glass.

Negative technique:
  • Cement or gypsum can be used as a potting compound for glass mosaics.
  • To secure your design on the surface intended for glass mosaic, it is important to prepare a strong and reliable support. Most often, a thick sheet of glass is used, but you can also use strong plywood, or even a special construction mesh, which will allow you to subsequently transfer and secure the resulting mosaic pattern, for example, on a wall in the bathroom or kitchen. Sheets of metal should not be used for this purpose. It is important to follow only one immutable rule: the load-bearing slab should not warp from dampness.
  • Initially, you need to prepare a drawing that mirrors the desired result. Using high-quality decoupage glue or PVA (which can sometimes be replaced with egg white, but the work will take longer to dry and will not last as well), fix the pieces of glass from which your mosaic will be created on the sketch. The surface should be smooth, because you are gluing the material onto the paper with the smooth side.
  • This is the name of the technique that is most often used when working with decorative glass mosaic decorations. This method allows you to get a comfortable, flat work surface.
  • As you understand, there must be small gaps between the fragments, which will then be filled with grout. For large designs, it is better to disperse small details to improve the perception of the finished mosaic made of multi-colored glass.
  • It is very important to take care in advance that the adhesive mass does not spread over the surface. This can be done using restrictive strips, which are removed after the adhesive has dried. The height of the planks depends on the height of the slab.
  • You can also use thickening inhibitors if, for example, the mosaic is very large and more time is needed for complete processing.
Glass mosaic creation technology:
  1. The adhesive mass is applied in an even layer to the base plate.
  2. The prepared pattern is pressed together with the material attached to it.
  3. The adhesive layer is left until completely dry. Do not press the mosaic too hard, because the seams must remain clean.
  4. After setting, the paper is removed from the finished panel with a sponge soaked in water.
  5. To finally seal the remaining open seams, you can use plaster, cement (plain or marble), and putty. The sealing compound can be colored to provide a contrasting effect.
  6. All that remains is to wait for the mosaic joints to dry and carefully separate the mosaic slab from the supporting one.

Depending on your plans, the finished glass mosaic can be hung or laid. The mosaic can also be enclosed in a metal, wood or plastic frame.

We analyze the “Positive” version of glass mosaic in MK

During “positive work”, the pieces of glass are immediately installed where they will be located. It is most convenient to use this method when decorating the floor.

First, prepare the surface and all the necessary materials.

If the mosaic will occupy a very large surface, then it will be plastered in parts.

Particular attention is required when laying mosaics on still fresh plaster. The work is very painstaking and long, requiring patience and attention. With all this, you will have to try to hurry, because when the plaster dries, it loses its adhesive ability and hardens. Sometimes it is worth adding a retarder to the plaster solution to delay the setting time of the composition.

Pieces of glass or mosaic are placed in a fresh cement or plaster bed while maintaining the positivity of the image. High-quality work should demonstrate a perfectly flat surface. You can seal the seams using the same methods as with “negative work”.

Important: Of course, mosaics can be made not only from glass. For example, a hand-made eggshell mosaic will perfectly decorate the interior of almost any room.

Look at the photo - what amazing panels you can create yourself from shards of broken glass:

Video on the topic of the article

we will need:
1) glass bottle, cleared of labels, washed and degreased. I soak the labels, then tear off what happens, and wipe off the remaining paper and glue with nail polish remover.
2) polymer clay, I first took two colors, the idea was to make a green bottom - grass, and blue - the sky, but in the process, I ended up using only gray-green - it took about 2 bars of 57 grams each.
3) low-temperature enamel, all the colors that were used are in the picture, except for burgundy, which was also rejected in the process.
4) baking foil
5) stove or oven NOT MICROWAVE!

Sprinkle enamel on foil. Not too thin a layer, but not heaping either, just distribute the enamel evenly over the surface. Place in the oven for 10 minutes at 125C.
Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that some energy-saving ovens, when you set the thermometer at 125C, first increase the temperature to 200C, and only then lower it to the desired temperature; if the temperature is exceeded, the enamel can burn and darken. Since this is not just enamel, but low-temperature enamel. The same applies to polymer clay; if you exceed the temperature, you will get bubbles.

After the low-temperature cake has baked, wait until it cools down, literally 5 minutes, and break it into pieces and remove it from the foil. It is advisable to do this in as large fragments as possible, since it is easier to break off a piece of the desired shape from large ones. If the enamel crumbles and is difficult to remove, the layer is too thin.

Now knead the polymer clay until it becomes soft plasticine so that it can be spread on glass. We cover the bottle in small sections and fill it with enamel fragments. It is advisable to leave minimal distances between the fragments, otherwise the enamel will merge. There is no need to coat the entire bottle at once and then sculpt fragments, since the plasticizer evaporates from the polymer clay and the pieces will not stick well. For example, I made a bottle for 2 days, and baked it in parts as well.

This is a piece of the mosaic before baking -

and this is after -
Bake for 10 minutes at 125C.
We continue until the entire bottle is filled -

I left the bottom glass. When repeated baking, the low-temperature enamel becomes soft again, so you cannot lean it against anything in the oven.
Before you start working, google mosaic images, for example “poppies” “mosaic” - this will make it easier to fit the fragments.
Now I have another bottle in the works, with orchids -

I hope my master class is useful to someone.
That's all for now, good luck.

Bottles are perhaps one of the most popular items for decoration: they can be found in every home, and there are a lot of decoration options: you can make them, paint them, braid them with vines, or just make funny labels... And they can also be inserted instead of glass blocks into the wall - for example, like this Hundertwasser (and I definitely want to try to make such a wall with inserts from multi-colored bottles, but that's a completely different story...)

Taking with you(to a blog, to a website, to a magazine) please complete this article, part of it (including pictures) put a complete and active link- with mention of the author and site. It’s not difficult for you, but it’s nice for me

6 reviews Bottle decor - mosaic made from broken glassware

    Hello, Oksana. Thank you for your master classes, for your skill. You simply inspire to create! I wanted to ask what kind of “crazy Velcro” is this? Is it possible to replace it with something? This is not the case in our stores...)

    Good afternoon, Oksana! I enjoy wandering around your site, looking into all the nooks and crannies and getting upset that I’ve already crawled through almost everything... I’ll be waiting with interest for new ideas and crafts.
    I really love all sorts of handicrafts, collages, scraps, colorful fabrics. I don’t do much myself, but I like to dream and fantasize about this topic. Almost like Sasha Koreiko, who so clearly imagined a wallet with money lying around that he wondered why it wasn’t in the right place))).. Here I am: I imagine so clearly, in small details and a bunch of options, what can be done, that the thing is almost “materializes” - but only in my imagination.
    Most often there is not enough time and perseverance for implementation. I implement it only when I really want to give a gift, informal, non-standard, with the mood - to a good person. As a result, there is almost nothing of our own at home.
    I really envy you, because it’s so great when you manage to combine your passion and profession! And I’m quietly glad that sometimes I find my amateurish ideas in the works of pros.
    Here is one of the ideas - textile patchwork fish (I once made a simplified version with the children at a summer camp. Everyone sewed their own fish, which of course I had to finish sewing and decorating, and at the farewell party at the end of August I received it as a medal to remember this summer). I want to make a big fish in upholstery fabrics and bedspreads in a village house.
    A cushion-seat in the style of a “grandmother’s rug” has been launched in the colors of the bright East. There is an idea to use such squares knitted from knitted items as parts of a patchwork bedspread. Probably, if you are tuned in to this warm, man-made wave, you catch ideas floating around and adapt what you see to your taste and skill.
    I really liked your mosaic work in the house, but it is not feasible for me. But I immediately wanted to make a Valentine card or a bottle from broken dishes! The idea with broken handles (and teapot lids on the wall) developed into a rostral teapot column))). What if you take not only the handles, but also the spouts of several teapots, and combine them into one object? Such a thick pot-bellied vase-teapot with spouts at different levels (like handles on your bottle) - maybe in your hands it will come to life and come to life faster than in my plans? And from each nose there is a flower sticking out.
    And I remembered about the big fish - I also saw it once on the internet, I’ll try to find it and send the link.
    Thank you for the pleasure, good mood and for sharing your ideas so generously!

    Oksana, I’m glad to hear your response. I downloaded the book, looked at Yana on the internet, and am starting to read it - thanks for the tip!
    I also have a question about technology))). To knit from knitted strips, they need to be prepared. How to cut it so that the strip is longer without knots is, in general, clear - I looked at the options earlier on the same internet. But the hand gets terribly tired from scissors; knitwear is harder to cut than calico or chintz. Maybe you can use a breadboard knife somehow? How do you do this, is there any way to simplify and speed up the process?
    After admiring your sock bunnies, I took away the cute socks that were ready to be thrown away from my neighbors in the country, and I also wanted to create a little striped miracle! I used to sew some funny little animals with my baby, but back then there weren’t such cheerful colors. The child has grown up a long time ago, but my hands still itch. I will prepare for future grandchildren...)))

At times, when you want to update the appearance of your dacha, it is not at all necessary to turn to expensive designers and specialized stores. One good solution would be to create unique decorative elements with your own hands. Of course, this may take a lot of time, but the activity will become a good rest if you involve your household in the process. Collective creativity helps strengthen family relationships.

What you need to create the decor

One of the simplest and most original decorative elements is a mosaic made from broken dishes. The idea of ​​creating something unique and individual will definitely captivate your close friends and relatives, which will change the mood of the renovation work from depressingly routine to captivatingly enthusiastic. The advantage is that the decor does not require special financial expenses.

The materials for production are:

  • old broken cups, plates;
  • fragments of ceramic tiles remaining after renovation;
  • various porcelain vases, other things that have become trash.

Decor in the form of a mosaic will become the center of attention of guests, creating an unforgettable atmosphere of beauty and poetry in the house and country house.

Original ideas

Mosaics that came from the Ancient East demonstrate today the rare and exquisite beauty of the products. You can use it to decorate boxes and vases.

The decor gained popularity in Ancient Greece, where floors, walls, furniture, fountains, and dishes were laid out with mosaics. Broken dishes will help you bring all the ideas of the ancient Greeks to life.

Wall decoration

To complete wall decor, you will need determination and material. The latter can be found if there are broken dishes, ceramic tiles, vases, glass or mirrors. The amount of material is directly proportional to the scale of the work.

Mosaic technology

  • To begin with, you need to decide complexity of the image. If your goal is to cover a wall with multi-colored, chaotically arranged mosaic pieces, you can start working almost immediately. If the goal is even a very simple drawing, the wall will have to be prepared in advance.
  • The decoration area needs to be well clean from wallpaper residues, glue, level. Please note: the temperature when laying out the mosaic should be between +5 and + 30!
  • Dilute the solution. You can buy it at a hardware store. It is better to take white or transparent color.
  • Apply the solution to a small section of the wall. Process the piece. Broken dishes are applied to it. And so on…

Important! You should start from the center. First lay out the main figures, then the secondary details, and the background last.

  • If the broken dishes come in large pieces, break them into small pieces. A hammer is suitable for this purpose. In this case, the dishes should be wrapped in cloth, which will protect you from possible injury.
  • The grout is applied after a day. Before applying it, remove excess glue from the wall surface. The grout is applied in parts. Treat the piece, wait 20 minutes, remove excess substance with a damp sponge.

Ideas for using broken dishes (video)

What else can you do

Broken dishes are not only suitable for wall decoration. There are many ideas that can be brought to life. This is how you can use it:

  • hot coasters;
  • vases;
  • distributions;
  • candlesticks, plates.
  • cabinets;
  • tables;
  • sideboards;
  • chairs.

If you want to surprise your guests, you can decorate birdhouses in the garden and sinks in the house using mosaics.

Creating a panel

The inside of your country house can be decorated with attractive panels. In this case, in addition to ceramic and glass fragments of dishes, other materials can be used:

  • pebbles;
  • pebbles;
  • beads;
  • colored glass;
  • shells;
  • tiles.

A glass cutter is used to create geometrically even shapes. This is how you get triangles, polygons and even circles! Important so that the edges of the elements are not sharp, which will prevent cuts.

You can draw a sketch of the panel in advance. It marks the location of the elements, their colors, and the sequence of work.

Products from broken cups and lids

Using broken cups allows you to make many unique products. They can be adjusted to fit the surface of the tile so that half of the cup can be stuck to the wall. As a result, you will get excellent stands for small things, personal hygiene items - toothpaste, combs, brushes.

If you find a broken teapot lid, don't throw it away. Using a few lids, you can make excellent hangers for potholders and towels.

  • Mosaic requires careful care. It is strictly forbidden to rub it with substances containing hydrofluoric and phosphoric acid, as well as oils and wax. Cleaning products must be non-abrasive. If the dirt is strong, you should take a product with a low acid content, treat the surface with it, and then rinse everything with plenty of water.
  • On a convex or flat, previously degreased surface, you can glue broken pieces of dishes using “liquid nails” or standard glue. Next, the seams are subject to grouting.
  • To divide the dishes into pieces, you can use a regular glass cutter.
  • An excellent option is to lay the tabletop with mosaics. But in this case the surface will not be stable, which means it will have to be coated with epoxy resin. In this case, even fragile glasses can be placed on the table, and the tabletop will last a very long time.
  • The most common option is decorating garden furniture. If you prefer working in the garden to relaxing on the lawn, you just need to take this idea on board. Manufacturing costs are several hours. Decorating is done in the same way as working with a tabletop. The benches look great. You can find out,

Many centuries ago, people learned to decorate their homes with mosaics, creating real masterpieces. For example, during excavations of one of the Roman villas, a mosaic painting was found, laid out by a talented master in the 3rd century AD, and it has been perfectly preserved to this day, which indicates the durability of this facing material.

Nowadays, glass mosaic is very popular - an affordable, durable and reliable material with a wide variety of colors and shades.

A little about the benefits

Despite the fragility of the original material, glass mosaic is a durable, moisture-resistant, waterproof and wear-resistant material. It is mainly used in rooms with high levels of humidity (saunas, baths, bathrooms, a room with a fountain, etc.), it can improve an office, bedroom, hall, cafe, store or restaurant.

Glass easily tolerates significant temperature changes, which is why mosaic tiles are often used for facing fireplaces.

A mosaic made of colored glass can enliven the interior of a room that has a staircase. Also, this facing material can be used to decorate both the window slope and the window sill.

Types of glass mosaic

The process of laying small mosaic fragments is very tedious, and now there are not so many specialists in this field. Nowadays, mosaic tiles are very popular because their installation is much faster, but you won’t be able to create an individual design from it.

You can purchase a ready-made mosaic (chips) or cut it from glass with your own hands, and lay out the intended pattern from it. Let's look at these points in more detail.

Mosaic tiles

The building materials market offers a large abundance of mosaics on meshes that differ in shape, size and number of chips, due to which the installation process is greatly accelerated.

There are several types of grid mosaics.

Made from glass of the same tone. This kind of mosaic is often called continuous, and at the moment it is in the highest demand. Since each chip is the same color, there is no need to dream of creating any kind of design or pattern. When thinking about design, the most you can hope for is a combination of tiles of different shades or colors.

Stretch marks. With the help of such finishing, a whole mosaic decor is created, with the help of which a smooth transition in the color gamut is made from a dark tone to a light one or vice versa.

Mosaic mixture. This definition is very suitable for a tile on which chips of different shades or colors are placed in a chaotic order. Out of several thousand tiles, 2 similar ones can be found by chance, so we can confidently say that each of them creates its own, unique pattern.

Adding aventurine. Aventurine is a quartz with a fine-grained structure, the peculiarity of which is its reflective ability. Polished elements emit a shimmering, sparkling shine. When this material is added to the chips of a mosaic tile, its appearance completely changes due to the unusual, distinctive pattern and exceptional shine.

Mirror mosaic. Regardless of the odds, this type of facing material creates the feeling that the room is much larger than it actually is.

Imitation gold. At all times, gold was highly valued, so jewelry made from it is very expensive. Nowadays, the decoration of the room can be done with glass mosaics that imitate gold, thereby creating an elegant interior. Just like gold has several shades, tiles can have green, blue and red shades.

With pearlescent effect. This mosaic will fit into the interior of any room, and will look light and harmonious in the bathroom, living room and bedroom.

Mosaic (chips)

If you want (and have the ability) to create something original, you can purchase glass mosaics of various colors and shades. A real artist can make a masterpiece out of them, but those people who do not have such talents will be able to lay out a simpler pattern, as in the photo.

Homemade glass tiles

Glass mosaic can be made by hand. To do this, ordinary glass is broken, broken or cut to give it a suitable shape. Sometimes broken glass bottles are used.

The facing material obtained in this way is used both to create patterns or designs, and for the usual finishing of any surface.

Making mosaics

Now let's look at how to make a glass mosaic with your own hands. To do this you will need some tools:

  1. Glass cutter The most common glass cutter is suitable when you need to cut a mosaic into square or rectangular pieces in a straight line. To cut out shaped parts you will need an oil glass cutter with a rotating head.
  2. Disc cutters. You can’t do without this tool, because with its help you can chop glass into small pieces at right angles.
  3. Breaker. This device will help you break off a piece of glass clearly along the line marked by the glass cutter. If the tiles have the correct shape, then you can purchase a breaker for straight lines, but there are types of tools designed for making curved splits.

Broken glass

The process of making tiles from a piece of glass cannot be called difficult, but it is an unsafe activity, so precautions must be taken, since small and sharp fragments may fly apart upon impact.

A piece of glass needs to be wrapped in thick cloth, placed on the floor or table, and hit in the center with a hammer to break it. In this way, ray-shaped fragments are obtained, from which you need to select suitable ones, or adjust them to size using wire cutters.


Broken glass for mosaics is very sharp, so it is necessary to work with parts using rough construction gloves. When adjusting the tiles to size using nippers or a breaker, take care to protect your eyes from flying shards of broken glass.

Working with a glass cutter

Since not all people can cut glass mosaics from glass, it is worth dwelling on this issue in more detail.

How to cut glass so that there is as little waste as possible? You can immediately throw out the old, dull glass cutter, as it will be of no use. You only need a high-quality tool that can be used to cut glass mosaics. As a rule, when doing the job with a good glass cutter, there are no problems with cutting chips.

Rules for working with an oil glass cutter - video

The intended design can be very diverse, so even at the planning stage you need to decide on the size and shape of homemade chips. The simplest and most popular version of a square mosaic.

As for its size, you need to take into account not only how the glass mosaic will look in the interior of the room, but also whether it will be a monochromatic coating or whether it is planned to create a certain pattern, because a certain pattern will be clearer the smaller the tile is used.

Depending on the selected size, lines are cut at equal distances on the glass with a glass cutter, as shown in the video.

Expert advice - how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter, video tips

All that remains is to cut the strips to make chips of the same size.

Laying glass mosaic

Many people have paid attention to how just one dropped element from the mosaic covering spoils the entire look. To prevent this from happening in your case, let’s look at how glass mosaics are installed.

We described in detail the process of installing mosaic tiles in the article “Which is better – mosaic tiles or mosaic.” We will not repeat ourselves, so we will dwell in detail on the stages of laying individual chips and homemade glass elements.

What glue to use

In the building materials market, you can choose the appropriate glass mosaic adhesive that will meet your requirements. Since glass mosaic is transparent, the glue used for it is white.

To glue colored chips, glue of a suitable shade can be used. It is better not to use gray composition for gluing transparent or translucent material, as it will change the perception of the coating and can even completely change the perception.


When creating stained glass windows, transparent silicone is used.

There are also other criteria that should be paid attention to:

  1. Adhesion. The mosaic adhesive you purchase should hold the glass well.
  2. Resistance to temperature changes. If the mosaic will be used outdoors or in a room where the temperature changes sharply (for example, a bathhouse), then you need to choose a suitable adhesive.
  3. Moisture resistance. There is a lot of humidity in a bathhouse, bathroom or sauna, so simple tile adhesive cannot be used in such rooms.

Stages of work

  • First, the base is prepared - it must be smooth and durable.
  • Then the surface is impregnated with a deep penetration primer.
  • Horizontal and vertical markings are made into the room. Starting points are marked and row lines are drawn. If you plan to make a mosaic pattern, then the design is applied to the base.
  • For a simple installation of a rectangular mosaic on a flat surface, a minimal amount of glue is applied to the base, and then the mosaic is glued.
  • It is much more difficult to assemble a complex pattern, especially from glass shards. Based on the sketch drawn on the wall (or floor), each part is tried on, and only after that glue or silicone is applied to it and it is installed in its place. While the glued fragments are movable, they can be moved to make the drawing more expressive. Also at this stage you need to check the evenness of the laid coating.
  • The process is not quick, so after the laid mosaic fragment has dried, the glue is removed from it.

All that remains is to rub the seams and evaluate your work.