Solar panels
How to cover a metal staircase with wood yourself Do-it-yourself covering of a metal staircase with wood
The metal is highly durable, so many structures and mechanisms are made from it. Today, more and more often from such material...
Mauerlat for a gable roof Fastening rafters with wire
The rafter structure is the skeleton of the roof, which must take on and evenly distribute the weight of the roofing materials. If correct...
Pests and diseases of pelargonium
Geranium or pelargonium is a plant of the Geraniaceae family. When healthy, it has lush greenery and blooms from spring to autumn. Unlike...
Installing a submersible pump in a well How to attach a hand pump to a well
After drilling a well on a personal plot is completed and the water in the mine is completely cleared of sand and clay, you can...
How to correctly calculate the required illumination for a room
Light levels play an important role in helping to create a comfortable environment. It is how the lighting meets the requirements that...
Asters: cultivation and breeding
The noble aster is shrouded in myths and legends. The most romantic of them is about the origin of the plant. Legend has it that shooting stars...
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