Growing terry purslane. Details about the plum. Cultivation, beneficial properties and choice of variety. Conditions for growing purslane

Terry purslane is an ornamental annual creeping plant with double flowers 2-3 cm in diameter in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, orange, red. This is one of the favorite flowers of many gardeners, which, thanks to its bright, multi-colored flowers, creates an attractive colorful flower mat in the garden or at the dacha, which is why many people call purslane as a “rug.”

Terry purslane is ideal for decorating flower beds, borders, creating flower arrangements and alpine slides; it is also used to decorate balconies and garden flowerpots.

Terry purslane, description

Terry purslane is a low-growing creeping plant no more than 20 cm high, with fleshy leaves and stems of light green color, sometimes with a purple tint, with spindle-shaped, branched roots. Clinging to the ground, purslane completely covers the area, the flowerbed, forming a continuous carpet of exquisite beauty. The leaves of purslane are fleshy and needle-shaped. The highlight of the plant is its flowers, reminiscent of a miniature rose or peony, which consist of several balls of petals. Terry purslane begins to bloom at the beginning of summer and continues to delight with its extraordinary beauty until frost. The variety of flowers is simply amazing; the mixture of double purslanes looks especially beautiful and colorful, from which a spotted, elegant flower garden is created. Flowers open in sunny weather, their bloom lasts only one sunny day, and new ones appear in place of faded flowers.

The attractiveness of purslane for gardeners:

  • The plant is resistant to trampling. For a long time it was considered a weed, which was fought in every possible way.
  • Easy to care for.
  • The presence of beautiful buds of various colors is a decoration for any area or flower bed.
  • Quick landscaping of a summer cottage.

Types and varieties of terry purslane

Large-flowered purslane (Portulaca grandiflora)

Portulaca grandiflora is the most common type of purslane, of which there are more than 200 varieties. The most famous: “white-flowered”, which blooms with exquisite snow-white double flowers and “splendence” with bright pink blooms and a pleasant aroma.

The most common varieties of terry purslane

  1. Flamenco. A medium-sized bush, reaching a height of up to 15 cm. The stems are long, fleshy and large. The leaves are needle-shaped and bright green. It has flowers of various colors.
  2. Kalambur is an ornamental bush 15 cm high, reminiscent of a rose bush, with long creeping large stems. The variety has large double flowers of bright rich tones. Successfully used by landscape designers.
  3. Sunglo is an ornamental variety with large flowers. The stems are fleshy and large, with a slightly pink tint. The leaves are long and needle-shaped. The peculiarity of the variety is that the flowers remain open in any weather, even cloudy.
  4. Mango is a large-flowered double purslane with abundant blooms of coral-orange flowers 5 cm in diameter.
  5. Hybrid Cream - a plant with cream flowers that have a darker center, 4-5 cm in diameter.

Terry purslane, cultivation and care

Terry purslane is an unpretentious plant that does not require special attention. The only condition for its growth and constant flowering is a lighted and sunny place in your garden. It needs a permanent place for its normal growth. If it is placed in a shaded place, it will not be able to fully grow and develop: the stems will stretch and thin out, becoming unattractive.

Water the plant once a week, since it is a drought-resistant flower that dies from excess moisture; water should not stagnate in the soil. The plant feels great without water for a long period of time. When watering purslane, do not allow moisture to get on the leaves and water early in the morning. Also, purslane does not need to be fertilized with fertilizers, and due to an excess of organic fertilizers in the soil, the green part of the plant grows, and flowering slows down. It has been established that the poorer the soil, the more abundant purslane blooms. Feels great on sandy and rocky soils.

Purslane is undemanding in terms of care; you just need to regularly remove weeds and thin out the seedlings a little so that the bushes are more spreading and lush.

Reproduction of terry purslane

Terry purslane, growing from seeds

Most often, purslane reproduces by seeds. Since they are very small, they are simply sown in the soil in early spring and covered with film to protect them from spring frosts. After the first shoots, the film is removed.

Terry purslane, growing seedlings

For colder northern regions, it is recommended to use seedling propagation in pots.
In February, the seeds are planted in pots. To ensure that the seedlings germinate evenly, you can mix the seeds with sand (1:4). It is advisable to put glass on top of the pot and place it in a well-lit place in the house, the optimal temperature is at least 17 degrees. Within a week the first shoots will appear. The soil needs to be lightly moistened; you can sprinkle it a little with a spray bottle. To harden the plant and avoid sprouts from stretching, it is recommended to lower the room temperature at night. To give room for the growth of young shoots, it is recommended to pick them up, and plant the removed shoots in boxes with soil. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of April or beginning of May, when frosts are already excluded. When planting terry purslane, maintain a distance of 15 cm between sprouts.

In summer, terry purslane can be propagated by dividing the bushes and transplanted to another place. After pinching off the cutting, lower it into a container of water until roots appear. In this way, you can plant purslane in decorative flowerpots and balcony boxes. After the shoot takes root, infrequent watering is required.

Diseases and pests of terry purslane

Purslane is a fairly unpretentious plant that is resistant to common diseases and pests. But, there are cases of plant infection with fungal diseases, which manifests itself in the form of spots on the leaves and buds. Having noticed the first signs of infection, you should remove the affected areas of the plant and treat the bushes with a product containing copper. Another danger that awaits the plant is an invasion of aphids. When it appears, it is recommended to spray the bushes with a soap solution using a spray bottle.

Terry purslane is an unusually beautiful and at the same time unpretentious flower, which is successfully used for decorating borders, alpine slides and flower beds. This colorful rug will be a splash of color in your garden that is sure to attract attention. Purslane grows excellently on balconies, in pots and garden flowerpots, decorating verandas and summer gazebos. It looks great in compositions with petunias, nasturtiums, marigolds and zinnias. Since double purslane is a low-growing plant, it is recommended to plant it in the foreground in compositions. Sometimes purslane can be an excellent alternative to a lawn, providing ideal coverage for the area.

Terry purslane, photo

Purslane (Portulaca) is a small annual or herbaceous perennial with an outstretched stem. The leaves are entire, their shape is cylindrical.

The flowers are axillary or apical, collected in several pieces, or solitary. Flowering occurs from May to October. The perianth is brightly colored. The fruit is a multi-seeded, single-locular capsule. The seeds are shiny and rough. Their germination persists for 3 years.

There are approximately 100-200 types of purslane. They grow in subtropical or tropical regions of both hemispheres.

How to grow and use purslane (video)

Purslane varieties

Purslane has many types. They differ in the color of their petals.

Garden purslane

It is distinguished by a highly developed stem. The diameter of the flowers is 7-8 cm, they can be single or collected in several, the color is light yellow. Flowering occurs from June to August. The plant reaches a height of 30 centimeters. Planting takes place between the slabs of garden paths and on the southern slopes of alpine hills.

Photo gallery

Purslane (video)


An annual plant with lodging stems. Flower color can vary from white to red. The diameter of the flowers is up to 4 centimeters.

Planting is carried out on the southern slopes in alpine hills, which you can create yourself, adhering to certain rules.

Scarlet Low plant. The stem is highly branched. The flowers are 5-centimeter scarlet double. Flowering occurs from July to October.

The plant reaches a height of 12 cm. Planting takes place on southern slopes.

Cherry Low plant. The stem is highly branched. The flowers are 5-centimeter scarlet double. A low plant with a highly branched stem. The color of the flowers is cherry, diameter is up to 5 centimeters.

The cherry blossom reaches 12 centimeters in height. The plant is used for planting on the southern slopes of the site.

Orange The stem is highly branched. The color of the petals is orange. Flowering occurs from July to October.

The height of this variety of purslane reaches 12 centimeters. You can place it between the slabs of garden paths or use it as an hanging plant.

Beneficial features

Organic acids found in purslane provoke metabolic processes in the body. The use of purslane provides the body with potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts. The leaves contain flavonoids, vitamin C and carotene. Purslane is distinguished by a high content of resinous and mucous elements.

Purslane, the cultivation of which requires compliance with some nuances, requires a sunny and dry place. In the first few days, it is thoroughly watered. Sowing occurs in any soil, but it is better to give preference to a soil mixture of 70% nutrient soil and 30% gravel and sand. A small amount of charcoal should be added.

If you grow terry purslane from seeds, some plants will have simple flowers. Grass is often used to create ridges and flower beds. It is suitable for creating a flower carpet on slopes and flat terrain. Purslane looks good in rocky areas.

The plant looks great in containers. It is placed in containers on the window, vases on the street, on the balcony, in pots. In the garden, the plant is also used everywhere: on dry slopes, in ridges, stone walls, between slabs, in rock gardens. On dry soils it can be used as a lawn.

Purslane grown from seeds goes well with all types of plants, especially low-growing ones. But he needs good care.

The presented plant makes good flower beds and flower carpets. The flowers are very bright - orange, white, yellow, pink and red. In the evening the buds close, but open again in the morning. Purslane requires care, sun and warmth. His homeland is Brazil and Argentina. The plant was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. In our country it is grown only as a summer plant.

Features of care

Purslane requires careful care. The lighting should be bright, this is the only way to achieve good flowering. When growing a plant from seeds at home, it is worth giving it a southern window sill. An excellent option is window and balcony boxes.

The temperature should be 20-26 degrees.

Frequent watering is not required. But if the purslane is in boxes, it will have to be watered periodically. No feeding is needed.

Features of sowing

  • The plant is grown from seeds in March.
  • The temperature should reach 20 to 25 degrees. The lighting should be bright.
  • Mini-greenhouses are suitable for growing from seeds. If the temperature is above 30, grass growth will noticeably accelerate.
  • Instead of a greenhouse, you can use an aquarium made of plexiglass. The top is covered with film.
  • At home, care involves supplementary illumination with a fluorescent lamp. Additional light is required in the evening and morning periods, and if the weather is cloudy, then all day long.
  • Seeds should be sown in small pots. A layer of sand and gravel is placed at the bottom, followed by soil.

Important! The soil should not contain organic fertilizers or peat. Charcoal is added to heavy soil.

Purslane (Portulaca) is a beautiful ornamental vegetable plant growing throughout Eurasia. The flower's homeland is the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. As a weed, purslane can be found in North and South America, Central Europe and the Caucasus.

In Europe in the 17th century, this plant was grown in almost all gardens and was considered a vegetable crop. Then it spread to other countries and began to be cultivated as an ornamental flower.

The name Purslane (from the Latin gate, gate) reflects the method of opening a ripe seed capsule. The flower is popularly called a rug, due to the growth of plants on the surface of the earth.

Purslane is an unpretentious plant that grows even in infertile soil. Purslane can be grown as an ornamental plant and eaten. Plants are grown in flower beds, alpine hills, lawns, ridges, borders, pots, balcony boxes, vases, hanging baskets and containers.

The stems of the plant are fleshy. The length of the stems is from 10 centimeters to 2 meters (depending on the type of flower). The height of the bush is from 10 to 25 centimeters, some varieties can reach 40 centimeters. The leaves are cone-shaped, needle-shaped. The color of the foliage ranges from emerald to reddish.

Flowers can be simple, semi-double or double. The color is white, cream, orange, purple, yellow, red, lilac and pink. The buds are located at the ends of the stems. They bloom in sunny weather. Flowering lasts 1 day, then the bud fades. The flowering of the plant lasts from early summer to late autumn. Some varieties bloom around the clock.

After flowering, a seed box is formed. The seeds are shiny, silvery, 0.6-0.9 millimeters in diameter. Each achene contains about 3000 seeds.

Types and varieties of purslane with photos

The genus Purslane includes 200 species of annual and perennial succulents.
The most famous species are: large-flowered, terry, ampelous, garden.

Purslane grandiflora is popular with many gardeners. It is grown in flower beds, lawns, edges, near borders, in containers, pots, on balconies and as a houseplant. The flower is a creeping annual; when grown on a windowsill, it can grow for several years.

The height of the plant is no more than 20 centimeters. The length of the stems reaches an average of 2 meters; in warm climates, after a few years it can grow up to 20 meters. The stems are succulent, light green in color, with a slight reddish tint. The stems spread along the ground, filling it with a continuous carpet.

The leaves are fleshy, alternate, small, cone-shaped, pointed, greenish-gray in color. The color of the leaves ranges from green to reddish.

The flowers are simple, cup-shaped, about 4 centimeters in diameter, located at the end of the stems. The flower consists of 5 fused double petals. Color can be: red, white, cream, pink, bright orange, yellow. Some varieties have light shades of other colors.

Terry purslane annual is a variety of large-flowered. It is grown in flower beds, on lawns, near borders, and in containers. The plant grows along the ground and forms a continuous cover of flowers. Beautiful large flowers have multi-petaled buds of various colors. The aroma is pleasant. The height of the bush is 15-20 centimeters. The stems spread along the ground.

Flowering lasts throughout daylight hours, then the buds close. There are several varieties that bloom around the clock, such as Sundance and Sanglo.

Variety Sundance

Ampelous purslane is a perennial hybrid plant. Stems creeping. The leaves are cone-shaped, elongated, fleshy, small. The flowers are double and simple, varied in color (white, red, yellow, pink, purple, lilac). 5-7 centimeters in diameter.

The flower is suitable for growing in flower beds, alpine slides, on lawns, in a multi-level flower bed, in a flowerpot, hanging basket and at home on a windowsill and balcony.
When grown on the ground, the plant spreads and forms a mat. When suspended, it forms a cascade of stems and flowers.

Purslane or dandur (medicinal, vegetable) can grow next to garden crops. The plant grows quite quickly. Used for medicinal purposes and as an additive to salads, marinades, soups, sauces.

The stems are fleshy. The leaves are flat, oval. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, yellow (1 centimeter in diameter). After flowering, an oval seed box is formed. The seeds are very small. The plant reproduces by self-sowing.

The best varieties include:

The Splendence variety is characterized by long flowering, a beautiful purple-pink hue of the petals and a pleasant aroma. The inflorescences are double and large.

The princely variety is distinguished by corrugated petals of inflorescences. The color is scarlet, orange or white.

The white-flowered variety has snow-white buds and emerald leaves. The stems are short (10 centimeters in length).

Varieties Sundance and Sanglo bloom throughout the day and, unlike others, do not close at night.

Puffed marshmallows have short shoots up to 10 centimeters in length. The inflorescences are double and large. The color range is extensive.

The royal variety has simple, large flowers. The coloring is varied.

In addition to these varieties, we can distinguish: Scheherazade, Flamenco, Super Long Flower, Pun, Orange, Sunny Summer, Cherry, Merry Round Dance, Scarlet, Sunny Princess, Double Mix, Sonya.

Purslane is primarily grown using seedlings. This heat-loving plant dies when the temperature drops to 10 degrees. Therefore, sowing in open ground is excluded in many regions.

You can sow seeds in open ground using a shelter (greenhouse, greenhouse) or after warming up the soil. Sowing at home allows you to get early flowering and stronger plants.

To grow seedlings, use low flower pots or containers with drainage holes. Fine gravel or coarse river sand is poured onto the bottom. The soil for sowing should be loose, airy and moisture-permeable. Seedlings, if the sowing rules are followed, appear in 4-12 days. Closer to summer, seedlings are planted in the ground.

The best time for sowing purslane seeds is considered to be the end of February and March. In cool regions, sowing can be postponed to April or early May. Under favorable conditions, seedlings appear after 44 days; if the growing temperature is from 20 degrees Celsius, seedlings sprout within 2 weeks.

Soil and seed preparation

The soil can be any kind, but it should not contain organic matter or peat. Store-bought substrates are not suitable in this case, as they contain peat, which inhibits plant growth. Sand (30 percent), fine gravel (diameter up to 1.5 millimeters) and crushed charcoal are mixed into the ground.
The soil mixture is mixed and heated in the oven for an hour.

Freshly collected seeds are not suitable for sowing. Seeds must be aged for at least 6 months before sowing. To protect against fungal diseases, seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are dried on a napkin, mixed with calcined sand and sown.
For more even distribution, seeds can be spread over the surface of the soil using a toothpick.

Sowing is done in moist soil. To moisten, you can take snow and spread it over the surface; such moisture improves seed germination.
Seeds with sand are scattered on the surface of the soil from a paper envelope with a cut off corner or a sheet of paper.

When using a toothpick, the gap between the seeds should be about 1 centimeter. From above, slightly buried seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
The crops are sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

The first shoots appear on the fifth day. These terms may vary depending on the sowing method, conditions and seed variety. The temperature for germination should be 35 degrees. At lower temperatures, seed germination deteriorates; the first shoots appear after 7-10 days. At temperatures below 20 degrees, seedlings often die or do not germinate at all.

To create the desired temperature, a microclimate is created in the pot with seeds. To do this, the container is covered with a transparent film, lid or glass.

  • Plants require moderate watering. Before germination, the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle.
  • After the emergence of seedlings, watering is done in the pan or along the edges of the pot (with warm, soft water). Excess water is drained from the pan.
  • Grown seedlings are watered under the roots; you can use a syringe without a needle. You need to water after the soil in the pot dries out.

Plants love light and are grown in a well-lit window with additional lighting from a fluorescent lamp. Daylight hours should be at least 14 hours, additional illumination is carried out during dark hours.

A month after germination of the seedlings, when 2 main leaves appear, the seedlings need to be picked into separate pots. The sprouts are very fragile and transplantation must be done with extreme caution.

2 weeks after planting, the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers mixed with nitrogen is introduced.

After two weeks, the plant is re-fertilized with mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

When the air temperature outside is more than 15 degrees, the seedlings can be taken outside for hardening. The time spent in the air should increase every day, starting from 15 minutes onwards.

Purslane: sowing and care - video

Purslane is a light-loving and heat-loving plant. It does not bloom in the shade. Low temperatures or sudden temperature fluctuations lead to the death of the flower. The planting site should be bright, dry and warm.

Planting seedlings in open ground is done in stable weather and an air temperature of at least 15 degrees. The threat of frost must be eliminated.

In the southern regions, plants are transplanted throughout May, in the middle zone from late May to mid-June. Planting in hanging baskets, containers and flower pots occurs in early May.

When the temperature drops, the plantings are covered with film, and hanging containers are placed indoors until the temperature stabilizes.

Purslane grows on almost any soil, but with heavy clay soil, you need to add river sand to the soil.

Purslane is planted when it reaches 5 centimeters in height and at least 10 leaves appear on the stem. Plants with buds easily take root in a new place.

The best time for planting is considered to be early morning or evening.

The pits are prepared in advance and are made in a checkerboard pattern. The gap between plants should be 10-30 centimeters (depending on the varietal characteristics of the purslane). The seedling is buried down to the cotyledon leaves.

The first week after planting, the plants need to be watered every day. Especially if the weather is dry. Watering is then done as needed.

Watering in hot weather gives strength to plants and enhances flower growth. The water should be settled, not cold. Water needs to be poured under the roots. Watering is carried out once a week.

There is no need to mulch the soil for this plant. The flower grows around and forms a continuous carpet that protects against moisture loss and weeds. Ornamental plants grow well without fertilization. For good growth, garden purslane is fertilized with a solution of ash and water (20 grams per 1 liter).

Basic care consists of watering and prevention, combating a few diseases and pests that can damage the flower.

Before winter, the most beautiful flowers can be transplanted into pots, and in the spring they can be propagated by cuttings. Potted plants can bloom all year round.

Purslane is resistant to many diseases and is little damaged by pests. But there are still diseases and pests that need to be combated and preventive work carried out to prevent them from being affected.

High humidity leads to fungal diseases.

The fungus Albugo portulaceae appears as characteristic spots on leaves and shoots. Shoots may be deformed. Damaged areas should be removed immediately, and healthy areas of the plant should be treated with copper-containing fungicides or Fundazol, Soligor, Previkur, Ridomil Gold, Skor.

Green shoots during the growing season may be affected by aphids. Aphids suck juices from plants. In a short time, it can affect large areas of plantings and lead to their death.

Aphids are easy to spot and get rid of. To combat the pest, a soap solution and insecticides are used: Karate, Decis, Biotlin, Ankara, Actellik, Agravertin, Iskra.

When thrips appear, silvery specks and stripes appear on the leaves. It is quite difficult to identify pests. When damaged by pests, flowers are treated with: Karbofos, Agravertin, Intavir or Fitoferm.

To collect seeds, it is necessary to promptly remove wilted flowers that hide the fruits. Seeds are collected from August to September. The seed pods are torn off and kneaded over a saucer. They need to be dried and packaged in paper bags.

If the boxes are left on the bush, they open on their own over time and the plants self-sow. Most of the spring entrances, without protection, die from the cold. In order not to miss the opening of the boxes, you can carefully place a newspaper under the stems on the ground and collect the crumbled seeds without loss.

The germination of collected seeds is maintained for 3 years.

The plant is added to salads, sauces, soups, homemade preparations, and is used for medicinal purposes and cosmetology.

When the leaves are consumed fresh, all beneficial substances are completely preserved.

Greens are cut before flowers form. It stimulates the appetite and quenches thirst. The taste is slightly spicy, with a slight sourness.

Heat treatment is detrimental to many microelements.

Purslane shoots and leaves contain a large number of useful substances: zinc, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sugars, proteins, as well as nicotinic, ascorbic and organic acids, resinous substances, carotene, tocopherol, phylloquinone, alkaloids, glycosides, norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine improves overall tone, stimulates the nervous system, and enhances cardiac activity. Juice lowers blood sugar levels and increases blood pressure. The plant helps with insect bites, snake bites and burns.

Purslane has an anthelmintic, diuretic, antiemetic, antiscorbutic, sedative, and anti-inflammatory effect. The plant is used for impotence, gonorrhea, various tumors, liver and kidney diseases.

Garden purslane treats erysipelas, lichen, inflammation of the skin, helps remove pimples, blackheads and warts. The plant is used as a multivitamin component for lotions and masks.

Purslane: video

Purslane is a wonderful decoration for the garden, and when grown as a garden variety, it allows you to obtain a healthy vegetable crop with a pleasant taste.

Purslane, planting and care - photo of an adult plant

Purslane (lat. Portulaca) - belongs to the perennial plants of the genus and family of the same name. People call it dandur. It has a twining stem and fleshy leaves, and blooms with small yellow flowers. They belong to ground cover plants, and therefore decorative varieties are often used in landscape design.

In nature, purslane prefers sandy soil and well-lit areas. Distributed in the southern and central parts of Russia.

What are the health benefits of purslane?

Gardeners especially value garden purslane, planting and caring for which does not require much time, and the beneficial properties of the plant are invaluable. The plant has healing properties due to its rich chemical composition. Its leaves and stem contain:

  • protein;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins: C, K, E, PP;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • dopamine

The seeds of the plant are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Regular consumption of purslane has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and increases blood clotting. It is recommended for diabetes. In folk medicine, dandur seeds are used for colds, kidney and gall bladder diseases. The juice and leaves are used to treat various skin ailments. Regular consumption of purslane has an anthelmintic effect.

Purslane is not officially classified as a medicinal plant and is not used in traditional medicine. But traditional healers use this plant to treat hypertension, and regular use is recommended for people prone to diencephalic crises.

Diencephalic or hypothalamic crisis is a sudden (possibly periodic) short-term increase, or the appearance of new symptoms due to a disease or damage to the hypothalamus.

The stems, leaves and seeds of the crop are eaten. They are used to make salads, add to hot dishes, pickle and salt. Cosmetic masks and medicinal ointments are prepared from the juice and pulp of the plant.

Types and varieties of purslane

There are 2 main types of plants: decorative and garden purslane; caring for them is not significantly different, but their purpose is radically different.

Decorative varieties

Decorative dandur (large-flowered) has large bright flowers and thin leaves. It is grown both in open flower beds and in pots.

Purslane Cherry is a low-growing plant with cherry-colored flowers.

Varieties of garden purslane

Dandur oleracea is grown for food and as a medicinal plant. Purslane Makovey has stems that can reach 35 cm.

Purslane Paradox is an edible low-growing variety.

Purslane - planting and care, photos of garden plants

The plant is unpretentious to the soil and undemanding in care. It grows quickly, covering the soil with a green carpet. It is enough to plant it once, and the crop will reproduce by self-seeding.

Garden purslane - growing from seeds

In the climatic conditions of Russia, dandur can be sown directly into the soil. But if you want it to bloom at the beginning of summer, you should choose the seedling method:

  • sowing is carried out in late February - early March;
  • the soil in containers should be light and permeable;
  • small seeds are mixed with calcined sand and sown in a path in a container with soil (there is no need to cover the crops with soil, just press down with a plank);
  • the ground is moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film;
  • containers are placed in a warm place, ventilated once a day, and moistened as necessary.

Friendly shoots will appear in 12-14 days. The seedlings are moved to the windowsill, and when the second leaf appears, picking is carried out. The sprouts are planted at a distance of 5 cm and slightly deeper.

Choosing a place for a garden bed

When choosing a location, a prerequisite is the openness and illumination of the area. Purslane prefers poor sandy soils. If you plant it in nutritious soil, the plants will increase growth at the expense of flowering.

Preliminary hardening of seedlings

It is important to know when growing purslane - planting and care in open ground will be successful only if the seedlings are pre-hardened. For 2 weeks, the boxes are taken outside daily during the daytime (starting from 15 minutes and ending up to 5-6 hours).

Before planting, you should make sure that the threat of frost has passed. Usually dandur is planted at the end of May, in the northern regions - in June.

Purslane - planting in open ground

The seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other and watered. Vegetable purslane needs regular weeding and loosening until the plants grow and cover the soil. Although the crop is resistant to many diseases and pests, excess or stagnant moisture can provoke fungal diseases.

Top dressing

The plant does not need fertilizing. If desired, you can use mineral fertilizers 2-3 times during the summer, then the bushes will not only be fleshy and juicy, but will also give abundant color.

Collecting purslane seeds

The seed pods are formed unevenly. If you want to collect seeds for germination or eating, you must not allow the testes to open. At the end of August, when the boxes turn yellow, they are cut off and then dried in a ventilated room on paper. Seeds can be stored for up to 3 years.

Bottom line

Not many gardeners know an unpretentious and very useful crop - purslane, cultivation and care, photos of varieties, and the amazing properties of which are described in our material. Planting a plant will not take much time, and its regular consumption will help improve the health of the whole family.

Purslane is a beautifully flowering and decorative plant species that grows mainly throughout Eurasia. Its main area of ​​origin is considered to be the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere; the exact place of development of this culture is unknown. The name of the crop is translated from Latin and means “gate”, “gate”, which reflects the way the box with seeds opens after the ripening process.

It is worth considering popular types of purslane.

Varieties such as Sunglo and Sundance have been selected by scientists and can bloom every day in large quantities, regardless of whether there is sun or not.

  • Garden (medicinal or vegetable). A very common plant is the succulent, which grows as an annual plant. It reproduces simply and quickly by self-seeding, quickly filling large areas of land. It has creeping fleshy stems that grow as summer weeds. Leaves are oval shaped. The inflorescences are small, inconspicuous and yellow in color. After them, the active process of development and maturation of a large number of seeds begins.

The leaves and shoots of the crop have many positive properties: they contain carotene, organic acids, ascorbic acid, magnesium, alkaloids, zinc, sugar, sodium, copper, potassium, resinous substances, tocopherol, proteins, iron, nicotinic acid, phylloquinone and glycosides, as well as fats and norepinephrine. With such a diverse composition, garden purslane is widely used both in cooking and in medicine.

Gallery: purslane flower (25 photos)

Ampel-type purslane

A hybrid variety of plant that was artificially bred by breeders. The plant has ampelous shoots that branch well on the sides, as well as fleshy leaves in the shape of a cone.

The flowering process of the plant occurs in simple double inflorescences of absolutely any shade. You can buy purslane with brown, yellow, red, purple, pink, and lilac petal colors.

The ampelous variety of purslane is used to decorate and embellish alpine roads and ridges; the growing process takes place in hanging pots or simple street flowerpots.

Large-flowered purslane

The most common variety in Russia. Grown as a garden ornamental annual. Needed to improve the appearance of flower beds, as well as alpine slides. This crop is used as a foreground plant. Purslane is capable of flowering throughout the summer, before the onset of severe cold.

The plant contains creeping shoots and should be classified as ground cover plants. The stems of the flower are densely covered with small cone-shaped leaves. The buds on the plant usually bloom large, about 5–7 cm in total diameter. Colors can be completely different: from completely white to burgundy and purple. By night, and also in bad weather, the plant begins to close. The capped fruit begins to ripen only at the end of September and spills a large number of seeds onto the ground surface.

The most famous varieties:

  1. Royal. The flowers are quite simple and large in size. The range of colors is very diverse.
  2. "Air marshmallow." The shoots are very short (they can reach up to 10 cm in length), the inflorescences are large, double-type, and the plant has many colors.
  3. White-flowered. The appearance is very similar to "Air Marshmallow", but the inflorescences are a constant pure white color.
  4. Splendes. The inflorescences of the culture are quite large, double, and have purple-pink petals.

For sowing, it is worth using purslane seeds that have matured for about six months. Freshly harvested material for sowing, although fully ripe and ready for planting, will not take root in the soil, even if the grower complies with all the conditions. The shelf life of seeds can be up to three years.

It is worth sowing a plant from seeds both for seedlings at home and in an outdoor flower bed or in a specialized garden bed.

Sowing in open ground is carried out only when constant temperatures outside are at least 20 degrees Celsius. In colder weather conditions, a heat-loving crop simply will not be able to grow and develop normally. If you are thinking of growing plants from seeds at home, then they should be planted in April or even earlier.

Boarding procedure

Experts advise using low pots when planting. Plastic varieties of containers for salads or cakes with a lid are best suited. They should be filled with light, breathable soil. In this case, you can combine sand with garden soil, as well as with crushed charcoal or activated carbon. There is no need to use store-bought soil at this time, since it contains a large amount of peat, and purslane does not grow in it.

It is imperative to make special holes in the pot to drain excess water. It is also worth putting a small layer of stones at the bottom to provide additional drainage. The substrate should be leveled as best as possible over the surface of the pot, and then compacted and watered with settled water. Only after these manipulations have been completed can the plant be planted. Small seeds should be distributed throughout the entire area, without sprinkling soil on top.

The container with the growing crop should be closed with a lid, plastic wrap or a small piece of glass. When seedlings are kept at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius, the plant seeds are able to germinate after 3-4 days. Before the sprouts appear, the greenhouse should be regularly ventilated and opened every day, and after the seedlings have germinated, the film should be completely removed.

The next stage of plant care includes the periodic process of watering and thinning the flower seedlings. Excess sprouts can be freely removed and transplanted into a new container using a small stick, match or toothpick.

In the third ten days of May or the first half of June, the sprouts can be transplanted outside for permanent growth.

Sowing on the ground

The seedling bed should be chosen in a well-lit area. All it takes is for the gardener to make a small hole to grow a large number of spectacular purslane flowers. The seeds should be sown in moist soil and mixed a little with the soil.

After this, the beds need to be covered with plastic film or a piece of glass in order to maintain the required level of moisture in the sprouts.

During the day, when it is quite warm outside, the bed should be opened for ventilation for several hours, unless there is strong wind outside. You can water the plant using a spray bottle when the top section of the soil is already dry.

The film should be removed permanently when the first shoots of the crop appear and the temperature outside is within 23–26 degrees Celsius. For permanent residence, seedlings with a height of 2–3 cm can be planted.

Using seedlings

Homemade purslane seedlings should be planted outside after the hardening procedure. It will be best to plant after June 10, when the threat of bad weather and low temperatures disappears outside.

The planting area should be well lit and protected from winds. If the soil is too heavy and dense, then it is worth adding fine-grained sand to it for the best loosening process. But this is not necessary, because the unpretentious crop can grow in any soil, even the poorest in beneficial microelements.

Sprouts should be planted in a 10 by 15 pattern so that the crop has enough free space for the growth of shoot branches. Seedlings should be buried down to the first leaf.

While the seedlings are actively taking root and adapting, they should be watered as the top layer of soil begins to dry out. When watering, water should be poured carefully and to the very roots, without eroding the soil surrounding the plant.

Flower care and propagation

Caring for an unpretentious crop is quite simple. Drought-resistant purslane requires minimal watering from the grower. It is worth watering the plant only in very dry and hot weather 7-9 times a day at the root or from above with a watering can.

There is no need to mulch or loosen the soil, because the crop independently creates mats that completely cover the soil around it.

Having planted a mixture of varieties in the ground, you should start propagating flowers with the colors you like by cuttings or dividing the bush. To do this, it is worth cutting off one shoot or part of an overgrown bush in the second half of June or July and replanting it in a new place.

The flower will be able to reproduce independently through self-seeding. By planting a crop in your garden plot, you are guaranteed to be able to see new plant shoots next year.

Purslane in garden design

Low purslane shrubs can be used to fill the front section of flower beds, design and decorate borders and ridges, and revitalize stone slides. In addition to all this, by planting the plant in beautiful flowerpots or hanging flowerpots, you can make any area more attractive and beautiful, for example, place the plant next to the porch or cover the formwork of your house with it.

A flower that is resistant to a large number of diseases cannot resist only fungi that attack it during periods of increased soil moisture. Dark spots of rot develop on the leaves, the stems begin to noticeably become smaller and deformed. The culture stops actively blooming and stops in the process of development.

To eliminate problems, it is worth cutting off all affected areas and shoots. The plant and the soil near it must be treated with fungicides. You can also purchase copper-based drugs or modern products: Previkur, Zato, Skora, Fundazol, Ridomil Gold, Soligor.

Pests rarely affect the crop. Only omnivorous aphids or thrips can attack the plant.

Aphids feed on fleshy and tasty parts of the crop, multiply quickly and form new species. It is not difficult to find it on the plant and destroy it yourself. To do this, you can use a large number of modern insecticides, for example, Actelli, Iskra Decis, Karate, Agravertin and Biotilin.