Plant cucumbers in June. Growing cucumbers through seedlings: accessible even to beginners. Preparing seeds and seedlings

Growing conditions and days for sowing seeds are also important; the germination and development of plants directly depends on this. When planting plants, experienced gardeners use the lunar calendar, in which the development of a particular crop depends on the zodiac sign and the waning or waxing of the moon.

We grow seedlings

In order for the plants to be strong and healthy, it is necessary to choose seeds from trusted producers; it is better to give preference to those cucumbers that are intended for growing specifically in your region.

Soil for cucumbers is sold at any gardening store, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take soil from the garden and mix it with humus in a ratio of 1:0.5. Before sowing, in order for the seeds to germinate faster, they are soaked in warm water or a stimulant solution. This is done as follows: seeds wrapped in gauze are placed in a shallow container and water is poured so that they are not completely immersed in it. The cup with seed material can be placed on the radiator after placing it on a non-terry towel to reduce the temperature. Make sure the gauze is damp and does not dry out.

As soon as the achenes germinate, they can be planted in prepared containers. Before sowing, the soil is spilled with warm water, small depressions of 1-2 cm are made and the sprouted cucumber seeds are carefully laid out, then they are sprinkled with soil. The plantings can be covered with cellophane film and placed in a warm place. During this period, summer residents may have a question about when to sow cucumbers for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar; let’s consider it in more detail.

We use the lunar calendar


In the climate conditions in the Moscow region and the middle zone, it is too early to plant cucumber seeds for seedlings, but for residents of the southern regions, provided they are planted in a good greenhouse, they can use favorable days for sowing cucumbers in March: 1,6,7,29,30.


This month, the snow melts intensively in the middle zone, above-zero temperatures set in, and most gardening work begins in the second decade. So after the 20th month you can plant vegetable seedlings under film covers. But it’s worth keeping an eye on the weather forecast and being on the lookout to provide warmth in case of cold weather or to use a heated shed. So, when to sow cucumbers in April 2017 according to the lunar calendar? The most favorable days are April 9, 17-18, 28-29.


If the soil temperature has warmed up to 13-15 degrees, then you can safely plant seedlings or cucumber seeds in unheated greenhouses and greenhouses. To sow cucumbers for seedlings in May, to plant the plants in open ground in June you need the 2nd, 3rd, 26th, and 27th.


In June, you can also use the lunar calendar for sowing cucumbers for seedlings 2017. Sometimes the weather changes before the 10th, and there may be frosts during this period, so cucumbers can be sown at home in peat pots or tablets, and when the risk of cold weather passes, plants with three or four leaves into open ground. If the vegetable grower did not have time to plant cucumber seedlings in May, then the most favorable days in June are the 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 9th.

Growing cucumbers is not considered the most difficult task among vegetable growers, but it has its own nuances. If you make an effort and study these features, you can get the result in the form of a significant increase in yield. Cucumbers are quite undemanding to soil, but love warmth and light.

When to plant cucumbers?

Cucumber is a heat-loving vegetable, so planting dates vary in different regions depending on the time of warm days. If plant cucumbers with seeds, then in the Moscow region the optimal period is considered to be from mid-May for indoor ground, and the beginning of June for open ground.

In the Middle Volga region, you can plant cucumbers a little earlier; open ground is ready to receive seeds at the end of May. In the Rostov region and other southern regions, the best option for cucumber beds is the end of April or the beginning of May.

The general rule is that the night temperature should be at least +15 degrees Celsius. The dates can be shifted a few days later if you sow soaked seeds.

Planting cucumber seeds for seedlings

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings? When planting cucumber seeds, you must remember that 25-30 days must pass from the moment the seeds are planted until the young plant produces three or four leaves and is suitable for planting in the garden. For central Russia, planting takes place in early May or a little earlier. In the case of using greenhouses, the best option is early April.

Many vegetable growers focus their work on the position of the Moon in the firmament. When to plant cucumbers in 2017 according to the lunar calendar? Favorable days are considered to be the 9th, 18th, 22nd, 27th and 28th in April, the 4th, 15th, 19th, 24th and 31st in May, and the 1st, 2nd, 11th, 16th and 20th in June.

How to plant cucumbers?

One common option is planting using seedlings. Cucumber seeds are pre-stored for four weeks at a temperature of +25 degrees Celsius.

After warming up, it is recommended to soak the seeds to speed up germination. A mixture of humus and peat is prepared with the addition of sawdust.

Formation of the first “real” leaf of cucumber seedlings

The mixture is placed in small pots. The seeds are buried to a depth of 1-2 cm and watered. The pots are kept in a warm place in the light. After the plants have sprouted and formed several leaves, cucumber seedlings transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground.

Define, when to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground, you can measure night temperatures. If +15 degrees Celsius has been reached, and the air is getting steadily warmer every day, then it is time to replant the seedlings.

Is it possible to plant cucumbers? at lower temperatures? No, this is fraught with plant disease, and at +10 degrees Celsius, with death.

Planting cucumber seedlings in the ground

How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds? It is necessary to first prepare the bed and fertilize it. Cucumbers are not too picky about soil fertility, but applying fertilizer will increase the yield.

A large amount of manure will make the soil of the garden bed warmer, which will speed up the growth of plants. We dig up the ground with a bayonet shovel. We make rows at a distance of approximately 60 cm, planting the seeds a few centimeters apart to a depth of 4 cm. If we planting cucumbers in open ground, then you need to remember about the possibility of night frosts.

What varieties of cucumbers are best to plant?

What cucumbers to plant in difficult climatic conditions, are all varieties productive when grown in open ground? There are some general tips for vegetable growers.

Hybrids (marked with F1 symbols on the packaging) are more resistant to various diseases. The growing season for middle and late cucumbers is longer. Early vegetables are not always suitable for canning; late ones are more preferable.

Choice, what varieties of cucumbers to plant, depends on the preferences and experience of each vegetable grower. Let's look at some common varieties suitable for cultivation in central Russia.

Benefit F1. The fruits ripen 6-7 weeks after germination. Does not require pollination by bees. The fruits are suitable for consumption in all forms.

Fast and Furious F1. Early self-pollinating variety. Grows well in greenhouses and open ground. Fruits up to ten centimeters long.

Ant F1. It is considered one of the earliest ripening, optimal for open ground. Self-pollinating, high-yielding. Fruits without bitterness. Unpretentious and resistant to many diseases.

Phoenix. Late-ripening variety, bears fruit until frost. The fruits are long and good for salads and canning.

Solar. Late variety, 7 weeks from germination to first fruits. Pollinated by bees and other insects. The fruit is elongated, well suited for pickling. Resistant to diseases.

What cucumbers to plant in a greenhouse? We can recommend the high-yielding variety Emelya F1 or Dynamite F1. Greenhouse varieties are usually self-pollinating, since it is difficult to provide access to a closed room bees and bumblebees.

For the greenhouse you should choose self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers

Cucumber care

Cucumber is a less demanding vegetable compared to peppers. The most important condition for obtaining a good harvest is timely watering. Drying out the soil will lead to wilting of the foliage and loss of taste.

The root system of the cucumber spreads outwards, so it is not necessary to water at the root. The best time is evening or early morning. The water must be warm enough, otherwise various diseases will occur. Consumption rate - a bucket for a large bush, frequency - once a week at normal times, once every three to four days - during fruiting.

After watering, it is useful to mulch the soil, usually using straw or rotted grass. A bed with such a covering retains moisture well and does not form a crust. Excess moisture is also harmful.

If it rains too often, it is necessary to make a small drainage to drain excess water. Periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds. During such procedures, you need to remember about the vulnerability of the root system.

Fertilizing can be done with both organic mixtures and mineral fertilizers. Manure or bird droppings are used as organic matter; 1 liter is diluted in a bucket of water.

Mulching cucumber seedlings

As an alternative, you can take 10 grams. saltpeter and potassium salt plus 45 gr. phosphorus fertilizer and dilute in water. The consumption rate is a bucket of mixture for ten to twenty bushes. During the fruiting period, more saltpeter and potassium salt are added depending on the needs of the plants.

Features of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse and in open ground

It is necessary to remember some differences between growing greens in a greenhouse and open ground. In a greenhouse, a cucumber bush must be properly shaped to obtain a large harvest. Usually part of the side shoots is removed. In open ground there is no such need.

In an enclosed space, cucumbers need to be tied up, otherwise you will end up with real plant chaos. There is more space in the garden bed; cucumber vines can grow freely. In greenhouse conditions, bee-pollinated varieties should not be used, since access of insects to the room is limited or impossible.

Harvesting cucumbers

Cucumbers are eaten unripe; an overripe vegetable is only suitable for obtaining seeds. For pickling, fruits of 5-8 cm are usually chosen, for salads - larger ones. The frequency of harvesting is at least once every two days, otherwise rapid overgrowth occurs. Cucumbers are harvested early in the morning or evening, carefully cutting the fruits with a knife. The shoots should not be turned over and the leaves should not be trampled.

in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground and a table for planting seeds of various crops. When is the best time to plant and replant plants, when to carry out gardening work in the garden. What vegetables are best to plant in June 2017, and what days are the most suitable for this. When is the best time to feed, weed and water plants?

The first month of summer has arrived. June, as a rule, relieves summer residents from the cold, so you can safely plant vegetables, herbs and flowers. During this period, you need to especially monitor weed pests. June is great for replanting indoor plants and flowers.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

New moon - a prohibited period for summer residents; you should not touch the root system of plants, do not vaccinate, and in general, it is best to refrain from sowing and replanting.

Waxing Crescent – an excellent time for thinning plants, replanting, planting, trimming mustaches, etc.

Full moon – plants are very vulnerable during this period, so you should not test their strength. Relax and start cleaning your country house or house.

Waning moon – due to increased pressure in the underground part of plants, it is recommended to plant root crops and pruning shrubs and trees.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

Favorable days for planting seedlings in June 2017 according to the lunar calendar in open ground: seed planting table.

Cucumber is such a frequent and familiar guest on our tables that it would never occur to anyone to call this vegetable capricious and capricious. In this article we will tell you not just how to grow cucumbers, but also how to do it quickly and correctly. Planting cucumbers in June has its own characteristics.

Benefits of planting cucumbers in June

June is considered the most suitable month for summer sowing of cucumbers. Beginning gardeners are often interested in whether it is possible to plant seeds in open ground at this time? In June, you can plant any seeds, but in the middle zone or in the north of Russia it is better to do this from the middle of the month or at the end of June. In the first half of the month, temperature fluctuations may occur and there is a high risk of frost. And from the middle of the month the weather stabilizes. Cucumber seeds sown at this time will quickly sprout and within 45–50 days you will be pleased with the first fruits.

Suitable varieties for planting in June

By choosing early varieties, you can get a quick harvest. The fruits are consumed fresh and used for pickling. Early varieties can be planted from the beginning of June.

"Competitor" Resistant to bacterial diseases. Used for winter preparations. It takes 1.5 months from sowing to fruiting. The variety has excellent taste, but is demanding on the composition of the soil and abundant watering.

"Universal" Early ripening and prolific variety. Finely lumpy cucumbers with a mild taste. Small sizes make it easy to fill jars.

"Elegant" Good for summer salads. Can be grown in greenhouses. Fruit weight - 120 g. Not prone to yellowing.

"Cascade" Lumpy crispy cucumbers. Small fruits can be harvested at 45–50 days.

"Altai" Cucumbers are light green in color and small in size; they ripen in 37–39 days. Very useful in the form of vegetable salad.

Preparing seeds and seedlings

In regions with warm climates, you can safely grow cucumbers in open ground. Cucumbers need to be planted as seedlings in cold regions in order to get a harvest before the cold weather arrives.

Seeds for planting

Despite the fact that only a dozen seeds can be found in the package, empty ones must be removed. To do this, they are immersed in a salt water solution and the floating ones are removed. It is better to use two- or three-year-old seeds, they have excellent germination. You can disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, holding for 15-20 minutes. To get quick and friendly shoots with a large number of female flowers, the seeds can be heated for several days at a temperature of 24-29°C or several hours at 45–55°C. Good results are obtained by feeding in a solution of nitrophoska or wood ash. The seeds need to be kept in a warm place for two days. The last stage is hardening. To do this, the sprouted seeds are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day. When planting, you need to take into account the size of the seeds and the depth at which they are planted (at least 1-1.5 cm).

Growing seedlings

Planting cucumbers in June using seedlings will speed up fruiting by 2 weeks. To prevent the seedlings from overgrowing, planting can be done according to the lunar calendar. To do this, the seeds are sown on the growing moon. If you can’t plant cucumbers on the most favorable days (June 8–9 and June 3–4), you can plant them on others. The main thing is not to plant on unfavorable days. For June these are the numbers from 12 to 14 and the 29th. Seeds for growing in a greenhouse are prepared in the same way as for planting in garden beds.

But there are certain rules for growing and caring for greenhouse inhabitants.

  1. To obtain a quick harvest and prevent infections, all planting material must be disinfected, warmed, germinated and fed.
  2. By the time of planting in open ground, seedlings should be 20-25 days old.
  3. A constant temperature should be set at 16-18°C.
  4. The soil should be light and nutritious.
  5. The shallow root system requires planting the seeds in separate containers, otherwise diving will cause stress to the plant.

Planting cucumbers in open ground in June

To get a large harvest and spend less time and effort on caring for and treating cucumber vines, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for planting cucumbers in open ground.

Seed sowing scheme

So that cucumbers do not interfere with each other and do not waste energy competing for a place in the sun, you need to follow the planting rules. To measure the area required for an adult plant, you need to take into account: its needs for lighting and watering, the growing season and the degree of growth. Manufacturers usually indicate the planting pattern on the seed package.

No more than 3-4 plants should be planted per 1 m².

If the bushes are planted crowdedly, this will lead to fungal diseases, the spread of pests, multiple barren flowers, and poor development due to lack of light, water and nutrition.

Planting seedlings

You can plant seedlings in open soil after June 10. In order not to harm the root system, you need to stop watering 3-4 days before transplanting. And before planting, water it abundantly, this will make the earthen coma uniform. If you can cut the container with the sprout, then it is better to do so. The less the roots are damaged, the faster the plant will take root. It is recommended to plant seedlings in holes previously watered with hot water. You should not make holes deeper than 10 cm. Below this level the soil is colder.

Cucumbers need to be planted in a permanent place, having previously treated the soil against pests and applied fertilizer. A week before planting, hardening of the seedlings begins. To do this, you can lower the room temperature or take the seedlings outside into the shade. This way the plant will quickly get used to outdoor conditions. To know how much land to allocate for each bush, you need to decide which way the vine will curl: horizontal or vertical. The first option will take up a larger area than the second.

To get a good harvest, it is not at all necessary to plant and care for a lot of cucumber vines all summer. By selecting adapted varieties and creating the necessary conditions for them, you will save yourself from unnecessary worries, and you will get no less of a harvest.