How to arrange a bouquet of roses with your own hands. How to make a beautiful lush bouquet of fresh flowers with your own hands? Original compositions of fresh flowers. How to arrange a bouquet of roses

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You can please your loved ones with an unusual bouquet or decorate a celebration with flowers not only with the help of a professional florist, but also on your own. You just need to follow a few rules to make the bouquet look harmonious and attractive.

website I have collected tips from experts for those who want to try themselves in the art of floristry and do it with pleasure.

How to tell if flowers are fresh

To buy the freshest flowers possible, you need to pay attention to their freshness markers. Let us give examples of the most accurate ones.

Roses. The sepals of the flower should point upward and support the bud. A sepal directed to the sides, and especially downward, means that the flowers are stale.

Daisies. A fresh flower has a greenish core. Bright yellow indicates that the daisies were cut a long time ago. Brownish - the flowers are very stale.

Tulips. Fresh flowers have a dense, unopened bud. Opened tulips will not last long. Don’t be afraid of very small buds; tulips have the ability to grow and bloom in water, so these flowers will last longer in a vase than others.

Gerberas. Shake the flower a little: if it is not fresh, the petals will fall off easily. The stem should be green; look for wire, which is often used to entwine already fading gerberas.

Lilies. Lily buds should be greenish in color; if they are yellow, the flower will not bloom. There should be no traces of pollen on the open flowers, this means that the lilies have been standing for a long time.

Before making a bouquet, the purchased flowers must be saturate with water. To do this, use a sharp knife (scissors or pruning shears are not suitable: they close the pores of the stem) diagonally cut off a small part of the stem and place the flowers in a container with water for half an hour.

What bouquet do we want to collect?

The shapes of bouquets can be different, but for beginners it is better to use 2 techniques for assembling a composition: parallel or spiral. Be sure to first clean the lower part of the stems from leaves and thorns.

1. Parallel bouquet

This is the simplest way to create a bouquet, but there is still room for creativity. Technique: We lay the plant stems parallel to each other, tightly. Often the binding tape also acts as decoration.

This bouquet can be assembled to make it round, asymmetrical or one-sided.

Round form collected from 1–4 types of flowers of approximately the same size and additions. In the center is the main flower, around it we place the others in a circle, so that they are approximately at the same height. The composition can be linked several times for convenience.

IN asymmetrical bouquet We also place flowers in a circle, but the height of the flowers will be different.

One-sided bouquet. In such a bouquet there will be the highest point - a flower or flowers on the longest stems, and the rest of the plants will be arranged in steps, gradually going down.

2. Spiral bouquet

This technique is suitable for lush bouquets consisting of a large number of different plants or flowers of the same species. The shape of the bouquet is round, and the arrangement of the stems helps to present a large number of flowers in a favorable light.

Technique: The easiest way is to assemble such a bouquet on the table.

The first flower is the base. We lay the second one with its stem on top of the first one, tilting to the right. The third is behind the first, tilting to the left. And then in the same order.

If you are putting together a bouquet of identical flowers, there is no need to constantly check it. If there are different flowers in the composition, periodically carefully lift the bouquet, holding it at the intersection of the stems to check and correct the arrangement of the elements.

Harmony of composition

In order for the bouquet to be successful and last a long time, it is important to follow two rules:

  • plant compatibility;
  • compatibility of shades.

Bouquets can be plain, similar, rainbow or contrasting. If it seems difficult to combine colors, you can use a color wheel. Similar colors are located nearby, and opposite each other are the brightest contrasts.

The European style of bouquets allows you to combine different flowers, but some plants are better used in mono-bouquets, as they greatly shorten the life of their neighbors. Among these harmful “egoists”:

  • daffodil (especially for tulips);
  • carnations (especially for roses);
  • lilies of the valley;
  • bird cherry;
  • mignonette.

But there are also “doctor” plants that will prolong the life of flowers:

  • cypress;
  • juniper;
  • lily (for roses);
  • jasmine (for lily of the valley).

Design secrets

An objectively beautiful bouquet is always about small floristic secrets that make the composition harmonious. Some of them:

  • in a composition of many colors there should be a main “point”, a focal point that attracts attention. Our eyes subconsciously look for “points”, and such bouquets seem harmonious;
  • do not overdo it with greenery, and it should not be higher than the flowers;
  • the use of flowers of varying degrees of openness and buds prolongs the life of the bouquet;
  • The rhythm of the bouquet is important: flowers, shapes, colors must alternate, then a certain “movement” of the composition is created that pleases the eye.

Packaging as part of the composition

Among the stylish and fashionable packaging of recent years and this year, plain paper takes first place. Fabric and lace, thick untreated linen - matting, satin ribbons and coarsely woven ropes will add charm to the bouquet.

Large and small grids are losing ground.

Undesirable - polyethylene, it can only be used as technical packaging.

Floral trends - 2018

A selection of step-by-step master classes on creating bouquets of fresh flowers with your own hands.

Fresh flowers and bouquets of them will always be the most desirable gifts for a woman. The originality and character of the bouquet can be selected in accordance with the style and inner world of the lady. And by making it with your own hands, you can not only surprise, but also be remembered for your original approach to congratulations.

How to make a bridal bouquet from flowers?

collecting a bouquet for the bride
  • The tradition of going to the altar with a bouquet came to us from Greece. It was then that the father led the bride holding branches of an orange tree and ivy as a symbol of happiness and prosperity for the new family
  • Egyptian brides held bouquets of rosemary branches at the altar - this modest and fragrant flower promised the newlyweds a long and rich life. What trends are there in making bouquets for the bride in our time? We will look at in this article
  • The wedding day is the most exciting and long-awaited day in every girl’s life, and it is simply necessary to pay attention to the bride’s bouquet. The bouquet will be the main attribute of the outfit and ceremony, which will be imprinted in all photos and will remain for a long time.
  • And if you make a wedding bouquet with your own hands, it will still be filled with its own energy of love and will serve as a kind of amulet of protection at the wedding

Let's prepare the following elements for work:

  • 3 white chrysanthemums
  • 7 white hydrangeas
  • spool of twine natural color
  • packaging of brown wire for flowers
  • brown organza ribbon
  • pruning shears or scissors
  • office buttons

collecting a bouquet for the bride

Let's add three more chrysanthemums in the middle in the form of a triangle, so that they are slightly apart from each other.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

Use scissors to trim all leaves from the stem. We put three hydrangea flowers together and attach four more hydrangeas to the sides. One flower in the middle should be slightly higher than the rest.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

We wrap wire under the buds and in the middle and cut off the ends of the stems evenly.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

We carefully wrap all the stems with organza ribbon and fasten them at the top with a button.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

We wrap twine on top and fasten it at the base.

collecting a bouquet for the bride

collecting a bouquet for the bride

Other options for bridal bouquets can be found.

How to make a bouquet for mom from flowers step by step?

Anyone can make a light bouquet of summer flowers and leaves. You just have to select the necessary materials and look through a few step-by-step steps.

First, let's form the basis of a bouquet of small garden roses of a delicate color. Add flowers to the center to form a rounded bouquet shape.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

Directly under the buds, we fix the legs tightly with wire and cut off its ends.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

Along the edges of the main bouquet of roses we begin to add lilies. We also fasten it with wire.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

To add contrast, add a few striped hosta leaves around the edges.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We do not attach the leaves tightly to each other. Do not be too zealous with the wire, so as not to burden the bouquet.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We begin to add fern leaves along the edges, selecting the desired height.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

To add volume, add large green hosta leaves in a circle, stacking them on top of each other.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

The stems of the sow thistle will add some unruliness to the bouquets and allow it to break out of the simple lines.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We also secure all the leaves with wire and cut off the ends.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

We wrap the leg to the bottom with a satin ribbon, hiding all the imperfections.

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

make a bouquet for mom with your own hands

Several tails of the protruding ribbon can be let out and curled with scissors.

How to make a bouquet of lilies?

  • The most important thing for such a bouquet is to cut the lilies early in the morning and be sure to remove the stamens and pollen. This way your composition will last longer and won’t get dirty during production.
  • The bouquet can be combined with other contrasting flowers and leaves. The main thing is that they are no larger in size than a lily bud. To avoid putting emphasis on yourself
  • Lilies are combined with daisies, delphinium, jasmine flowers, and irises.
    It is better to add aspirin or activated carbon to a vase of water for a bouquet. This will prevent the water from fading and prolong the beauty for several days.
  • The bouquet should not stand in the sun. At night it is better to put it in a cool place
  • Lilies have a very strong aroma, so you should not leave them in the bedroom or where a person sleeps. They may cause headaches or allergies

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from lilies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from lilies?

Make a bouquet of carnations?

In the traditions of our mentality, carnations were given exclusively to men. But if you see what chic bouquets can be created with the help of such simple flowers, then there is hardly a single girl who will refuse such a bouquet.

When choosing a color for a future bouquet, you should pay attention to the symbolism:

  • White buds of carnations are purity and tenderness, suitable for young innocent girls
  • Pink shades are a hint of slight sympathy or tenderness of feelings
  • One red flower in a bouquet means an answer to a question or just agreement
  • Shades of lilac or hybrid chocolate carnations for creative ladies with a bright character

You can make mono-bouquets of pure white or red carnations. A ball is formed from the flowers, tied with a ribbon, emphasis is placed on contrasting beads, the ends are trimmed evenly and the bouquet is ready.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

You can perfectly combine carnations with lisianthus. Which will add fragility and tenderness to the bouquet. You can choose lisianthus of any shade in combination with a white ball of carnations.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

Carnations with roses look no less chic. The bouquet turns out voluminous and is suitable for mature women who know their worth.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from carnations?

How to make a bouquet of chrysanthemums?

Bouquets of these delicate flowers are widespread precisely because of the variety of species - about 5,000 and colors. Despite the simplicity of the chrysanthemum, it is a very noble flower that will suit any woman and for any occasion. To create an original bouquet, you need to choose the right combination of suitable flowers.

For the bouquet we need:

  • Floral sponge
  • Scissors
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Decorative green leaves
  • Florist ribbon
  • Rose flowers or any other flower

Cut a small piece of sponge and place it in a container of water. When it is saturated, we place it in a basket or wrap it with sisal fiber.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

We insert green leaves, trying out what length and width the bouquet will have.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

We fill the rest of the space with trimmed chrysanthemums, roses or any other flowers to create a voluminous ball.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from chrysanthemums?

You can decorate the top with an accent of ribbons.

How to make a bouquet of peonies? Photo

  • You can make a bouquet with peonies from your own stems as the most economical option. Simply wrap the wired arrangement with decorative material and ribbon
  • You can create a standing composition from a floral sponge. Soak it in water and pick up peonies and other flowers, cutting the stem to 5 cm, insert it into a sponge and add extravagance with green leaves around the edges
  • You can make an original taped bouquet that is more expensive, which is shaved onto wire from trimmed bouquets

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from peonies?

How to make a bouquet of tulips?

The first thing you need to do is buy fresh tulips with unopened buds.

For the composition you also need to purchase a ribbon, several sprigs of lavender, a bell or another branch with leaves.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from tulips?

Trim all stems in water to prevent air from getting in and the flowers last longer.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from tulips?

Gather a bouquet of tulips in the center, place a sprig with a bell in the very middle, and dilute the edges a little lower with sprigs of lavender.

how to make a bouquet with your own hands from tulips?

Secure with tape, which can be wrapped to the end of the stems if desired.

How to make a bouquet of roses? How to make a bouquet in the shape of a heart?

  • First of all, cut out a heart shape from a floral sponge according to the size of the bouquet
  • Next, we cut the roses, leaving a short stem, and insert them into the sponge around the perimeter, filling half the space.

  • Fill the second half with strawberries placed on skewers. We also carefully insert it into a mold soaked in water.
  • We decorate the side of the form with leaves, which we secure with a safety pin.
  • We focus attention with the help of a bow tying two branches from cut roses

how to make a bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart with your own hands?

how to make a bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart with your own hands?

How to make a bouquet in a basket?

  • In order to create a composition in a basket, you need to cut out a suitable shape from the same floral sponge

  • Soak it in water and securely secure it to the basket for days

how to make a bouquet with your own hands in a basket?
  • Trim flowers for the desired composition of the length that is intended and carefully fill the entire space
  • You can decorate the edges with green leaves.

How to beautifully arrange a bouquet of flowers

Using the example of tulip bouquets, we will show you several options. decorating stems with ribbon. At first glance, it may seem difficult to you, but our step-by-step instructions will help you. Everyone, of course, knows that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so you can use photo tips, which will greatly facilitate your understanding of the process of decorating a bouquet. Naturally, you can choose ribbons and pins to suit your taste! It will be interesting and beautiful!

Take 1.5cm wide tape and start wrapping the stems just below the foliage, working your way down. Before reaching the end of the stems, continue winding the tape, but now from the bottom up along the stems. This double wrap will hold the stems tightly together and preserve the graceful appearance of the bouquet. When working with the tape, try to wrap it around the stems with the straight, flat side.

This French weaving is done with a 9.5 mm wide decorative ribbon on top of the main ribbon with which you just tightly wrapped the bouquet. At the crossing point, secure the tape with a pin.Check carefully that the ends of the pins do not protrude through the stems. If necessary, use wire cutters.

Let's now consider howarrange the base of the bouquetin country style. You will need matching tape (you can cut a strip of fabric) 2.2cm wide, waterproof adhesive tape, decorative floral tape and pins. Secure the beginning of the tape with which you will wrap the stems with waterproof adhesive tape. Then, wrap the stems tightly, first from top to bottom and then back to the top. Make sure the tape remains taut and smooth. Secure the ribbon at the top with pins. Take the decorative floral tape (1.5 cm), place it evenly along the stems on top of the main tape, and secure with pins in the center of each flower.Each time, make sure that the ends of the pins are hidden and do not protrude through the stems.

Now you can make an original bouquet with your own hands not only for a wedding, but also for another occasion, for example, the birthday of a friend, mother or daughter! We hope that our master classes inspire you to decorate the world around you!

A few rules that all florists use:

  • the packaging of the bouquet should emphasize all the advantages of the flowers and hide their shortcomings; it must be combined with the flowers (shade or contrast);
  • flowers entirely wrapped in cellophane or foil will not make a pleasant gift. Moreover, giving such bouquets is bad form;
  • Crepe paper and polyester ribbons have long gone out of fashion. Do not decorate fresh flowers with these materials;
  • Naturalness and naturalness are in fashion; use sisal, corrugated paper, felt and mesh. You can tie the bouquet with jute rope;
  • packaging should reveal the beauty of flowers, but in no case distract from them;
  • the same can be said about various decorative elements. A small bow will perfectly complement the composition, but large details should be avoided;
  • In order for the bouquet to look good and last a long time, flowers for it are cut early in the morning and stored at low temperatures;
  • When adding decorative plants or dried flowers to a bouquet, be careful. Not all flowers combine harmoniously and tolerate their proximity well.

We have all repeatedly heard the phrase that beauty will save the world. And flowers are one of the symbols of beauty. Today, a bouquet of flowers is a universal gift. Flowers are given not only to women, but also to men as an addition to the main gift. A beautiful bouquet will delight anyone. And if it was made with your own hands, it’s doubly nice.

What do you need to know?

First of all, when creating a bouquet, you need to start from the type of flowers. Remember that roses give preference to loneliness, daffodils suppress other flowers in the bouquet, but geranium or thuja, on the contrary, prolong life. If you plan to combine several types of flowers, then their number should not be the same.

In terms of shape and relevance, spherical bouquets have been and remain relevant, as well as bouquets where half-opened buds are combined with already opened flowers of the same type. When arranging a bouquet, you need to start with the central flower, the rest of the flowers are applied slightly diagonally. Using greenery will add volume to the bouquet.

How to make a bouquet with your own hands from asters

Aster is a flower with a spicy aroma. Its varied colors know no bounds, which makes it possible to create incredibly beautiful compositions. The main advantage is that asters can be combined with any other flowers. Therefore, there is no difficulty in how to arrange a bouquet of asters with your own hands. Bouquets of asters in combination with peonies are especially beautiful.

If you want to dilute a bouquet of asters with wildflowers, then daisies, marigolds, and daisies are perfect for such a composition. But, this bouquet will need to be made in several levels, or place asters in the center, and around chamomile or daisies

Naturally, any flower arrangement requires the presence of greenery. For bouquets of asters, fern or asparagus are suitable as greenery. And to make the bouquet look complete and presentable, it can be decorated with a floral mesh

You can buy it at flower shops or craft stores. The variety of this material will delight you.

Chrysanthemums - late autumn gift

Chrysanthemums are quite common flowers, they are universal, and they can be given for any occasion. They can be used alone or in combination with other colors. This is a matter of taste and your imagination. We will now consider one of the ways to arrange a bouquet of chrysanthemums with your own hands.

For the bouquet you need:

  • Three branches of chrysanthemums
  • Scissors
  • Oasis
  • A couple of sprigs of fern or ficus
  • Several branches of any green shrubs (for example bird cherry)
  • Sprig of gypsophila bush
  • Container for the base (basket, vase, etc.)

Course of action

That's all, a bouquet of chrysanthemums with your own hands is ready

If desired, you can add other decorative elements. If you doubt your imagination, you can watch video tutorials on bouquet design.

How to make a bouquet of roses with your own hands

Rose is the queen of flowers. There is practically not a single person who does not like roses. They are good in themselves, but if they are designed in an original way, delight is guaranteed. Read on to learn how to arrange a bouquet of roses with your own hands into an unusual composition.

For this you will need:

  • Five roses;
  • Bergas leaves;
  • Three leaves of aspidistra;
  • Birch branches;
  • Jute twine.

Remove thorns and leaves from roses. We fold them in a ladder and tie them to each other with twine so that all the buds face the same direction, as in the photo

Next, using the same jute twine, we secure the roses to a frame of birch twigs, so that the branches protrude slightly above the top bud. We make a bow from aspidistra sheets, cutting them into 2 parts and fastening them with a stapler. We tie it to the roses along with bergas leaves.

An unusual bouquet of roses is ready.

When another holiday looms on the calendar, you want to give your friends or family something unusual and original. As you know, the best gift is one made with your own hands. A gift that is suitable for any occasion is flowers. They can be either living or made from various materials, the main thing is that they must be beautifully decorated and assembled into a single composition. Not every person knows how to arrange a bouquet with their own hands, and not everyone can succeed the first time. Therefore, in this article you can choose the most suitable simple option for yourself.

Wedding bouquet: how to make it quickly and beautifully

Let's look at a small example of how to decorate a bouquet with your own hands if it is intended for the bride. First of all, you should decide whether it will be on a port handle or just the flowers will be secured with ribbon. Flowers should be chosen in advance; their buds should not be too open or, conversely, still closed.

Most often, roses to match the dress, diluted with other flowers and greenery, are used for a wedding bouquet. They are usually decorated with gypsophila or ribbons.

If you are using a port handle, but want to create the effect of living foliage, then the stems of roses with leaves should be cut slightly longer than the handle itself. Double-sided tape is glued to the handle, and the already cut rose stems are attached to the reverse side of it. They should be located at the same level. Using bouquet wire we fix the stems from the bottom and top. We also cover the upper part of the port-handle with double-sided tape and attach rose leaves in a checkerboard pattern in 2-3 rows. We wrap the resulting structure with tape. We place an oasis in the upper part of the base.

It should be cut at a distance of 6-7 cm. The top of the bouquet will be formed from them. The first bud is inserted into the center of the oasis, the next ones - in a circle, until the upper part of the bouquet is ready. After this, you can attach gypsophila and greenery along the edges. A few green leaves among the roses will add freshness to the bouquet.

Bouquet of roses: not banal and interesting

Now let's look at how to make a bouquet with your own hands from ordinary roses. Sometimes it is not enough to choose beautiful and fresh flowers; they also need to be skillfully presented and decorated. To make roses look chic and elegant, they can be decorated with organza to match the buds.

For this, fresh flowers are selected, the buds of which are already slightly open. For such a bouquet you should use at least 15 roses, otherwise it simply will not have the desired effect. Excess leaves and thorns are trimmed from the stems. The flowers are placed tightly together so that all the buds are at the same level. They should be secured with wire in two places. After this, the stems are trimmed using pruning shears.

Approximately 1.2-1.5 meters of organza is taken, which is wrapped around the base of the bouquet from bottom to top. Try to ensure that the fabric lies tightly, while maintaining the resulting folds. You only need to wrap the stems up to the leaf line. The material is secured with a pin. A bow is made from a separate piece of organza and attached to the bouquet.

Bouquet of peonies

Peonies themselves are very interesting and beautiful; they are often used for wedding and holiday bouquets. They have quite a lot of shades, this allows you to create an unusual and unique composition. It’s very easy to make a bouquet of these flowers with your own hands; you don’t even need to have any special skills.

It is enough to select buds that have not yet fully blossomed. In this case, you can use monochromatic flowers or combine several shades. So, the simplest design of a bouquet of peonies.

Take 5-7 flowers that you like best. Form a bouquet by placing the buds close to each other. Excess leaves should be torn off in advance, the stems should be trimmed to fit the depth of the vase. You can insert additional sprigs of greenery between the flowers; almost everything goes with peonies.

When the bouquet is formed, the stems should be secured with wire or a piece of tape, wrapping it several times and combing the ends. It is better not to decorate peonies with paper or cellophane packaging.

Creative New Year's bouquet

The table on New Year's Eve can be decorated with a magnificent bouquet of especially since red is a symbol of the New Year in all countries. You can make a bouquet of flowers, pine branches, carnations and pine cones with your own hands even with a child. Here you can give free rein to your imagination.

The most suitable roses for such a bouquet would be the Freedom variety. First of all, decide where your flowers will stand in order to cut them to the desired size.

The bouquet should be formed from the center, taking one rose, adding pine branches and carnations in a circle in random order. The next round we repeat the same thing, alternating flowers as you like.

Pine cones, small New Year's balls, and a golden ribbon will serve as additional decoration for the entire bouquet. They can be secured with wire at the base or stapled to rose leaves.

Bouquet for September 1

Every year, many parents ponder whether to buy a ready-made bouquet or assemble it themselves. And from what? For such a holiday, I would like the child’s flowers to look no worse than those of others. You can make an original bouquet with your own hands. You can watch a master class on how to create it in any queue near a flower shop. Sellers do this very quickly and cleverly.

Flowers for Knowledge Day should be bright, colorful and definitely memorable. You should not make the bouquet too large; remember that a heavy and voluminous bouquet will be difficult for a child to hold.

You can decorate such flowers with regular ribbons or make small school attributes on a long wire that are inserted among the flowers. It will look original and beautiful. Use lilies, needle-shaped chrysanthemums, small daisies, gladioli and other flowers for a bouquet. The main thing is that they look harmonious with each other.

Bouquet of wildflowers - forgotten romance

In the summer, you can give your loved ones the simplest bouquet, collected from Even if there is no reason, you will be able to cheer up with summer colors. It’s not at all difficult to make a bouquet of flowers collected from the vast expanses of your country with your own hands.

You can simply walk outside the city, near holiday villages, and collect the specimens you particularly like. Some time after the start of such a walk, you will have a very beautiful and bright bouquet. All you have to do is tie it with a ribbon and present it to your loved one.

A bouquet of sweets is original

Unusual bouquets can surprise. Try giving your beloved a similar bouquet. You can make DIY flowers for him from sweets and paper.

Those with a sweet tooth will love this gift, although in order to eat the sweets, you will have to take the buds apart. Many people do not want to destroy such unusual beauty, so bouquets stand as decoration and a reminder of the holiday.

Design rules

Knowing how to arrange a bouquet with your own hands is not everything; you also need to know the basic rules for its design. In order for the small masterpiece you created to look organic, it is very important to take into account its shape and content.

You should not make the compositions too smooth and too neat; every unevenness, protruding leaf or sprig of gypsophila will serve as a small highlight. The bouquet should look stable and harmonious. All its components must certainly be combined with each other, creating a single picture.

If you are thinking about how to decorate a bouquet with your own hands, you should also think about additional accessories that will serve as a small decoration for the composition.

Before creating a bouquet, it is very important to correctly choose not only the color scheme, but also the shape of the composition. After all, the result can be a stunning bouquet or a shapeless armful of mismatched flowers.