Do-it-yourself coffee topiary by a master. How to make topiary from coffee. How to make a coffee tree with your own hands

People learned to create bizarre shapes from plants back in ancient times, and now even a novice craftswoman can create a coffee tree with her own hands.

Once upon a time, the court gardeners of Roman aristocrats learned to skillfully give plants intricate patterns to surprise their owners. Showing miracles of ingenuity, they trimmed the crowns of trees and bushes so that the green relief created the appearance of architectural structures, animals, and human figures.

The fashion for topiary quickly spread across Europe, and landscape parks and garden sculptures transformed the cities of England and Holland with lightning speed. Nowadays, a metal frame is used to create decorative compositions, and you can create fascinating landscapes with your own hands, using the experience of distant ancestors.

The never-fading spotlights of topiary art give rise to millions of ideas for gifts for any celebration, creating an interior, or decorating a dining table. Elegant and fragrant crafts are formed simply and are objects for the implementation of your inspired ideas. Tree figures made independently bring peace, pleasure, wealth and good luck to the house.

Classic topiary made from coffee beans

The method of making topiary is based on the same principles. One of the simplest and most elegant crafts - a DIY coffee tree - has gained popularity - it is made exclusively from natural materials. Once you learn how to make simple objects, in the future you will be able to create real decorations and accessories for your home. You need to prepare in advance:

  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • brush

For the crown you will need:

  • coffee beans (the quantity is calculated by the size of the circumference);
  • round plastic base (balls are always available in the creativity departments);
  • decorative elements - dried citruses, ribbons, cinnamon sticks, beads, etc.
  • brown paint or fabric for wrapping the ball

For the trunk:

  • any stick, pencil or tree branch;
  • enamel or fabric for covering;
  • ribbons (satin);
  • leg-split

For a decorative base:

  • a bowl or flower pot without a drainage hole (any attractive container can be used);
  • alabaster (dries quickly, mixes easily, and cracks do not appear on the surface);
  • dry moss, pebbles (coffee fruits are also used to fill the container).

Tree made from coffee beans step by step

Extraordinary decor for connoisseurs of fashion design

You can create the home of your dreams not only thanks to expensive interior items. It is easy to achieve coziness from scrap parts if you make simple accessories from available materials and grains - an indispensable attribute in exotic needlework.

Coffee trees with details bring all women into crazy delight:

  • of white or cream flowers;
  • with slices of dried fruit;
  • with birds and butterflies;
  • New Year's decorations.

For men, they make a “money tree” by first covering a ball with coins with an open zipper, and covering it with coffee beans on top.

A paired tree will decorate any interior, although it requires a lot of effort to create it. Branched crowns of several trunks differing in thickness and height are a real miracle!

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Delicious chocolate covered coffee beans

“Fragrant heart” for loved ones

They say that fragrance creates comfort and coziness in the house, and this is true. The smell of coffee is a unique long-lasting aroma that gives beauty and pleasure. For the craft you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • sackcloth;
  • a pot used for seedlings or a regular disposable cup;
  • coffee beans;
  • gypsum;
  • twine;
  • glue;
  • liquid Nails;
  • brown acrylic enamel;
  • water;
  • wooden stick.

A heart-shaped figure is cut out of cardboard. Paint is applied. The branch is not tightly wrapped with twine, leaving 3-4 cm at the edges. Secure with glue. A small recess is made in one of the cardboard blanks to insert a wooden stem. Paint is applied to both hearts from the outside, and the inner surfaces are glued together. The resulting frame is covered with coffee beans in a chaotic manner. They are placed with the rounded side down so that the aroma fills the room to a greater extent.

The grains are placed as close to each other as possible, and the sides are filled with the cap facing up. Soil is poured into the pot, filled with water, and the tree is lowered, holding it with your hands for a while until the plaster hardens. To decorate the lower part, measure out the required amount of fabric, cut out a circle from burlap and “swaddle” the pot. More grains are poured inside, secured with glue, and the result is a tree made with love.

Magic topiary

Not only ornamental trees amaze with their beauty and attract attention. Hand-made paintings are distinguished by their elegance and evoke tender feelings.

To know how to make a coffee tree with your own hands on canvas, you need to prepare:

  • frame covered with fabric;
  • self-adhesive paper with a cut-out design;
  • glue gun;
  • acrylic paints.

The stencil is glued to the frame. The design is transferred to the fabric using ordinary cosmetic blush. They have a natural shade, and there is no dissonance with the coffee shade. Four magic letters (k o f e) are painted with paints. The rest of the ornament is laid out with grains. The glue from the gun dries quickly, so the layer should not be too long. Experienced needlewomen advise choosing the same beans by color and size from more expensive varieties of coffee. The painting is decorated with a cinnamon stick tied with a satin ribbon, and for shine it is coated with hairspray, the smell of which disappears the next day, and the handmade masterpiece smells fragrant for several months.

As the prepared drink cools, it releases hundreds of chemicals that make up its aroma; however, caffeine is prohibited for consumption by athletes. They only need to drink 5 cups to be disqualified, so for this category of citizens it is recommended to enjoy the aroma emitted by coffee paintings or other artistic sketches made from the fruit of the tree. According to one study, the steam rising from a hot drink contains as many antioxidants as three oranges. If you hang such a drawing in the kitchen, then the placebo effect is guaranteed.

Gifts for everyone

What could be more pleasant for friends and family than a surprise made with love with your own hands! Do-it-yourself coffee trees are a way to express deep feelings, but the amazing ease of execution allows you to make products of the most unexpected shapes.

Kitchen decor - “floating cup”

You will need a few simple devices:

  • glue gun;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • dried orange;
  • leg-split

Glue the cup, placing its side surface along the edge of the saucer. Distribute several coffee beans randomly and secure with a gun. To make the figure brighter, fix a dried orange. Two cinnamon sticks are wrapped with rope and also secured with hot glue. Two bows of different sizes are formed from twine. They are combined, and the resulting ornament is placed on the side of the cup. The saucer and mug are covered with twine. A simple souvenir evokes a storm of pleasant emotions.

"Flying Frigate"

Manufacturing requires patience, ingenuity and some skills.


  • Styrofoam;
  • coffee beans;
  • sackcloth;
  • leg-split;
  • wooden skewers;
  • any translucent fabric;
  • hot glue;
  • PVA glue

Fix the edges of the ship with mounting tape. The foam blank is covered with burlap on top and bottom. Cut out a template for the sides from cardboard. The parts are painted brown and glued. The ship is wrapped twice with twine, and each layer is coated with PVA. The shape is covered with coffee beans and the sides inside the vessel. A double braid is woven from twine, the skewers are attached with the sharp end to the bow of the ship and pasted over it along the contour. Cut wooden sticks into small pieces for masts, fastening them together with twine. Sails and flags are cut out from translucent material. They are decorated with braids on both sides.

For the steering wheel you will need:

  • double braided twine braid;
  • 4 toothpicks;
  • 1 skewer;
  • 3 cardboard circles with a diameter of 1.5 – 2 cm

The ice cream stick is divided in half, 10 cm is cut from the skewer with a sharp end and glued together. Divide the toothpicks in half and wrap them 2/3 on the blunt side, wrapping them with twine. This will serve as the basis for the steering wheel. A braid woven from twine is glued to the cardboard circles along the edge, and a coffee bean is placed in the middle.

Toothpicks are glued to the clean side of the circle. The second one is from above. The braid is placed on them at a distance of 0.5 cm from the rings. There are coffee beans on the tips of the sticks. The base is a steering wheel.

Using an awl, a hole is drilled in the ship, the bottom of the masts is treated with glue and inserted into the recesses. The steering wheel is also stuck in front of the sails. Decorate the ship with ropes. They make another checkbox. Glue two pieces of twine to it. One is short, the other is of such a size that it is long enough to run on top of the masts.

The indisputable advantage of not only a tree made from coffee beans with your own hands, but also other compositions in relation to indoor plants is its permanence, beauty and does not require additional care.

You just need to observe the temperature regime. Under the influence of direct rays, grains and glue can spread, and home masterpieces will be damaged irrevocably. Turning on your imagination and tirelessly experimenting in the creative process is the main condition when creating handmade objects.

Topiary has become a popular interior element. It is made from different materials. One of them is coffee.

DIY coffee topiary. Step by step

A master class with detailed steps will help you make coffee topiary.

Glue onto the blank for the crown coffee beans, placing them with the central strip down.

The ball is completely covered. Then the next layer is glued, placing the grains with the strip facing up.

For the trunk is used a tube. You should step back three centimeters from its edge and glue double-sided tape in a spiral. Three centimeters of the tube are also left unsealed on the other side.

We wrap it on tape satin ribbon the desired color.

DIY coffee topiary master class. Photo

Take a container and pour water into it. Add to water alabaster until you get a mass similar to quite thick sour cream.

We transfer this mass into a flower pot and insert the trunk into it.

Alabaster must harden so that its surface becomes dry.

We also cover the surface of the alabaster in the pot with grains in two layers, like a ball.

Squeeze glue onto the top of the tube and glue the crown.

We decorate the resulting coffee topiary with a ribbon.

DIY coffee topiary in a bag

To make an original coffee topiary with your own hands, you don’t need any special materials.

DIY topiary made from coffee beans. Photo

The basis for the crown can be Christmas ball, and the barrel is a wooden kebab skewer.

Coffee beans are glued onto a ball and decorated skewer.

Can be used as a container for installation jar from under the cream. We wrap it in burlap, which we tie with a string around the neck.

Plaster is poured inside to fix the tree. The surface of the plaster is hidden by a cardboard circle filled with instant coffee.

Coffee topiary. Step-by-step guide with photos

The making of such topiary from coffee in a master class is described. Let us consider in detail the process of making such an interesting decorative composition.

They take wire twenty centimeters long, retreat from the end by seven centimeters and roll this part into a ring. Four centimeters are measured from the other end of the wire and bent at this point.

The saucer is degreased using alcohol. Glue the wire to the degreased surface with instant glue, the side with the ring.

Inner surface cups also wipe with alcohol and glue it to the other side of the wire. First, find a support that will support the cup while the glue sets. The glue hardening process can take several days.

When the foam hardens, cut off the excess amount. Removing foam. The thickness of the coffee beans is also taken into account. We need to make the stream look harmonious.

To form a volumetric mounting jet, you can use modeling mass or masking tape. The latter is convenient for wrapping the wire frame.

After excess foam has been removed, the surface paint. If this is not done, the white base will appear between the coffee beans.

A step-by-step master class on creating a coffee topiary is coming to an end gluing grains to the surface of the foam. It is better to glue them with transparent glue, which sets in a couple of minutes. This will allow you to adjust the location of the grains.

Coffee heart

You can make a coffee topiary with your own hands in a variety of shapes. One possible option is the heart.

To make it, draw a heart on paper, cut it out and trace it on cardboard. You need to make two cardboard hearts.

DIY coffee tree topiary. Photo

Two wire We wrap it in paper of the required length and glue it to the heart.

Glue onto a cardboard surface cotton pads, and close the top with a second cardboard heart. This will create volume.

The outside of the resulting heart also needs to be covered with cotton pads. To give the required shape, it is wrapped threads.

The resulting base paint brown paint. Then we glue coffee beans onto its surface.

Glue it in a circle to an iron can sticks from ice cream.

Wire. We wrap the one glued to the heart with jute thread.

We attach a sponge to the resulting pot, and in it we place the trunk of a coffee topiary in the shape of a heart.

We decorate the surface of the pot and the topiary itself.

Coffee heart options

A rather discreet topiary, which is decorated only with small elements. The decoration used is a cinnamon star, which smells great with coffee, a harsh rope, and two thin ribbons that match perfectly in color.

A very interesting coffee tree with a heart-shaped crown. The grains are arranged in even rows, which gives the composition a special effect. There is no need for bright decorations. One modest bow is enough.

Coffee tree with a regular crown. The special decor makes it unusual. This includes a bright bow with hearts and an absolutely straight trunk wrapped in rope.

how to make topiary from coffee beans. Photo

The decor and shape of the trunk gives this coffee tree its tenderness. The slightly curved trunk looks elegant. White and soft green details perfectly set off the other colors of this composition.

A bright and elegant coffee heart, decorated with red roses with shiny petals. The decor is emphasized with a double bow with the same color combination.

Coffee topiary with several crowns

To create such an unusual coffee topiary with your own hands you will need six foam balls. They need to be wrapped with threads, the ends of which are secured with glue. Coffee beans are glued on top, flat side down. When gluing, you should leave a small space for attaching the support.

Double aluminum wire Divide into several parts to form a branched crown. The end of one wire is divided into two parts so that the structure becomes stable.

We bend the trunk, and secure additional branches with masking tape. Then we split all the upper ends into two parts and bend the branches.

To make the trunk aesthetically pleasing, we first wrap it with masking tape. This will create a thickening at the bottom, like a real tree. Coarse tape is wound over the masking tape. twine.

We put coffee balls on the ends of the branches, smeared with glue. A tree is installed in the selected pot and the base is filled with plaster. The plaster surface is also decorated with coffee beans after drying. You can stick another layer of coffee on the crown.

Coffee topiary: video

The process is most clearly explained by a video master class on creating a coffee topiary. For the crown, take a foam ball, which is wrapped with paper and thread. On one side there is a hole for the barrel. Coffee beans are glued to the surface with transparent glue. The parts of the trunk are fixed in the pot using a gypsum compound. A ball is placed on this trunk, which is covered with grains. Next, the surface of the plaster in the pot is decorated. To do this, it is also covered with coffee beans. At the end, the finished topiary is decorated. To do this, you can take various ribbons and other decorative elements.

Video: heart-shaped coffee topiary

This step-by-step coffee topiary tutorial shows how you can decorate a fairly ordinary topiary container in an interesting way. A transparent glass cup is used as such a container. Braids woven from simple, coarse rope are glued onto it. The result is a textured piece that matches the smooth glass. Liquid plaster is placed inside the cup, into which the topiary is installed. After the plaster has hardened, the edges of the cup are decorated with coffee beans, and white pebbles are placed on the surface. As a result, the heart-shaped topiary looks more harmonious, thanks to the interestingly decorated base.

Topiary coffee magnet

Let's make a topiary magnet from coffee. A step-by-step master class will help with this.

To make such a topiary we make cardboard blanks. To do this, draw a round crown and a pot, and then cut them off.

Assembling a tree using a wooden stick from ice cream. We insert it between two pieces of cardboard and glue it.

We paste over burlap cardboard parts on both sides.

Glue on the back side magnets.

Glue coffee beans onto the front side. Glue the first row along the edge with the flat side down, and the second row with the flat side up. We fill the center with grains, and then glue the second row.

We decorate the finished topiary.

Base for topiary from a branch

To make the basis for a step-by-step master class on creating a coffee topiary, it is not at all necessary to take special components. A branch and old newspapers can be used.

From newspapers the ball is made. Branch Lubricated with glue and placed in it. The newspapers need to be pressed closer to it.

The surface of the ball is coated glue and wrapped around threads. The next layer of newspapers is wrapped around it, which is also wrapped with thread and coated with glue. The procedure is repeated until the desired size is obtained.

The finished crown on the trunk is installed in a container filled with gypsum. Gypsum You need to dilute it to the consistency of sour cream and pour it into the desired container. The trunk is installed there and kept as straight as possible until the plaster hardens.

DIY topiary made from coffee beans. Master Class

Master class with step-by-step photos “Topiary from coffee beans”

This master class is intended for middle-aged and older children, additional education teachers, educators and all those who love to be creative and create masterpieces with their own hands.
Purpose: Coffee topiary is a wonderful decoration for the interior of an apartment, an original hand-made gift for loved ones.
Performed: Lapteva Svetlana Khristyanovna, teacher of the state budgetary institution of the Novosibirsk region “Social rehabilitation center for minors”, Tatarsk
Target: making topiary from coffee beans.
- teach the technology of making topiary;
- instill labor and accuracy skills;
- develop aesthetic taste.
Coffee beans are by far the most popular material for creating topiary. They look quite chic, bring happiness to the home, and have a unique coffee aroma that creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Making topiary from coffee beans is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you have ever made a miniature tree, then you will not have any difficulties, but if you decide to make it for the first time, then the step-by-step manufacturing process presented in the master class will definitely help you.
To complete the work you need:

- coffee beans;
- newspapers;
- sewing threads;
- PVA glue;
- scissors;
- construction gypsum;
- a small disposable cup;
- cup;
- burlap;
- leg-split;
- glue gun;
- wire;
- toilet paper;
- pliers;
- stick.
Let's begin the work by making the topiary crown. It consists of a ball and a barrel.
We make a ball from newspapers and sewing threads. We crumple the newspaper, giving it a round shape. We rewind each layer of newspaper with threads, constantly leveling it and giving it the shape of a ball. The diameter of the ball should be approximately 12-13 cm.

We tear the paper into pieces and cover the ball. We do this to make the surface of the ball more even.

This is what the ball should look like after covering it with paper.

We make a cross-shaped cut on the ball, a tree trunk will be inserted into it.

Add a little coffee to the PVA glue and coat the ball with the resulting brown glue so that it is the same color as the coffee beans, in this case there will be no “holes” or unwanted gaps on the product. When we glue the grains, the base will be visible, therefore, by painting it to match the coffee, the base will not show through so much. Give it time to dry thoroughly.

Let's start making the barrel. We take the wire, fold it several times, since it is thin, and give it the shape of a snake.

Take a strip of paper, fold it lengthwise into three layers and wrap it around the snake.

Having wrapped the snake completely along its entire length, lubricate it well with PVA glue and let it dry. This is done to make the snake more rigid.

We try on the resulting stem and determine the height. If necessary, the barrel can be shortened. We wrap the trunk with twine. This is what a snake barrel looks like.

Take a stick and wrap it with twine.

Straight trunk of topiary.

Assembling a tree trunk. We insert the straight stem into the middle of the snake. This is what the design should look like.

We insert a tree trunk into the cut of the ball. If necessary, secure with a glue gun around the barrel.

In a disposable cup, dilute the plaster with water to a creamy consistency and fix the crown in it.

Let's move on to the most interesting and painstaking task - gluing the grains. We will glue it using a glue gun.
We select grains that are even and identical in size. We try to glue grain to grain. Coffee beans should be placed as close to each other as possible. If you can't do this with your fingers, use small tongs.

This is what happened.

We look where the base is visible and glue the second layer of coffee beans. When the second layer of grains is glued, the surface texture will become more interesting, more prominent, and the tree itself will look more noble.

Having completed the design of the crown with grains, the tree can be “planted” in a pot. We use an ordinary simple glass as a pot. Take a piece of burlap 4cm wide and glue it along the edge on the inside of the glass.

Fold the burlap down.

Apply glue to the bottom of the glass using a glue gun, and glue our topiary to the bottom of the glass.

Pour coffee beans into the free space of the glass.

Let's decorate the topiary with a decorative element. Take a piece of burlap 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. We pull the threads from the middle of the strip.

Fold the blank in half and make a stitch.

We tighten the threads and form a flower.

We take 10 threads that were pulled out of the burlap, tie them into a bundle, and make them of different lengths.

Using a glue gun, glue the coffee beans to the threads. Glue the two grains together by inserting a burlap thread between them.

This brush with grains turned out after gluing.

We insert the blank into the middle of the flower.

Glue three coffee beans onto the flower.

Glue the decorative element to the crown of the tree.

The result of our work.

Today I will demonstrate a master class on how to make a coffee tree with your own hands, this is a very exciting craft and I hope you like it. Such things are usually given to girls on March 8 or other holidays. By the way, we did something like this, the method of making this craft is similar. But in order for the tree to be exquisite, you need to make it completely, from beginning to end, the main thing is to observe all the moments in production, from the coffee top to the plaster pot where the tree is attached.
You will need coffee beans, so when purchasing this material, choose a coarse-grained variety, it is easier to work with and it is more beautiful, and all the beans in it are whole and do not break so often.

Material for creating a tree from coffee with your own hands:

High quality coffee beans.
A ball made of foam plastic or other material, with a diameter of 8-10 centimeters.
Plaster or alabaster.
Beautiful pot.
Glue gun.
Stick for the barrel, wooden or plastic, length 22-27 centimeters.
Ribbons made of satin and nylon.
Simple double-sided tape.
Sharp scissors, large.
Vessel for plaster or alabaster.

As usual, I take only high-quality materials and tools, and I advise you to treat crafts in the same way.
That's all that needed to be prepared, when all the material is in place, you can start making the craft.

Let's start creating a coffee tree, or as it is also called toparia. Pour the coffee beans onto the table, take a tree crown ball and a glue gun.

We glue one grain onto the ball, note that we glue the grains with the outer side towards us. The inner side is where the stripe is in the middle.

We pasted over the entire sphere like this, but do not forget to leave a place where you will need to stick the cane.

And now we do the same thing again, but on the second layer we turn the grain over and glue the inside side towards us. Thus, the white sphere will not be visible at all.

This is how the coffee ball turned out.

Take a cane and double-sided tape and wrap it around the entire length of the cane.

Then we wrap the cane with a satin ribbon, and since the tape is double-sided, the tape sticks and holds perfectly.

As you can see, you don’t have to wrap the edges, as one will be inserted into the pot, and the other into the sphere, and they will not be visible.

Now we make the lower part of the craft. Let's prepare a bucket and alabaster.

You need to pour water into the pot, almost completely and pour it into a bucket, then add alabaster and stir thoroughly until the mixture becomes thick.

Pour the prepared mixture into the pot and insert the cane straight into it. It is very important to install it evenly, then leave it for a while for the mixture to dry.

This is what the intermediate result looks like.

We also put them inside and glue them.

We also make the second layer with the grain turned upside down.

This is how beautiful it turned out.

Now carefully lubricate the top of the cane with glue, you need to pour more of it.

And immediately put the sphere on top of the cane. Hold until the glue dries.

Done, now all that’s left is to decorate it and that’s it.

We decorate the tree with nylon ribbon and tie a bow under the crown.

Make the bow bigger and fluffier.

Now you can make a coffee tree with your own hands.

And if you don’t like this type of crafts, then I can recommend making, or. All crafts require effort and learning, so I advise you to constantly develop your skills.