What should be indicated in the voucher. What is a travel voucher? What to do with vouchers

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In order to be able to enter Russia in order to get acquainted with the sights and cultural heritage, a foreign citizen must first obtain a visa (unless he is a citizen of the country that has established relations with Russia). To obtain a visa, a foreigner must contact the Russian consulate and present there, in addition to the main package of documents, a tourist invitation.

Invitation for a tourist visa to Russia: registration rules, prices and procedures for foreigners:

If you need to stay in Russia for more than 30 days, you should use.

It will take no more than 10 minutes to issue a tourist voucher at the travel agency office. You can quickly receive it online after filling out the form and making payment.

Key questions to consider:

This is interesting:

What does the voucher confirm?

The presence of a tourist voucher confirms the fact that the foreign citizen paid for tourist services and thereby acquired the right to receive them. In addition, issuing a tourist voucher to a foreign citizen confirms the fact that the company that issued this document takes responsibility for the foreigner’s stay in Russia.

What information about a foreigner does a tourist voucher contain?

A tourist voucher usually contains the following information about a foreign citizen:

  • last name and first name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • passport series and number;
  • expiration date of the passport (it must be at least 6 months from the date of departure of the foreign tourist from Russia);
  • citizenship;
  • purpose of the trip (tourism - sightseeing, targeted tourism - visiting sports competitions, a specific exhibition, a specific place of pilgrimage, etc.);
  • travel route and tourist accommodation (names of cities and hotels);
  • the number of entries of the visa (a tourist visa can be single or double entry);
  • dates of entry and exit;
  • additional information.

Information about the travel company contained in the voucher

The travel voucher must contain the following information about the travel company:

  • name of the legal entity;
  • reference number;
  • tour operator number in the Register;
  • legal address;
  • phone number.
Details jane2690 Updated: February 02, 2018 Views: 29967

Good travel companies always care about the convenience of their clients - the entire tourism business is based on this. For the comfort of travelers, various schemes, systems and options are used, and one of the leading links in this chain is the preparation of the necessary documents when traveling abroad. When a person goes abroad to relax, the last thing he wants is paperwork. Therefore, travel lovers cannot but rejoice at the opportunity to easily and quickly issue a travel voucher.

What is a travel voucher and what does it look like?

A tourist (or tourist) voucher is a document that replaces a visa when visiting countries with a simplified visa regime: Israel and Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Peru, the Maldives and Seychelles. The voucher is also the basis for issuing a tourist visa to Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand and other countries.

A travel voucher is a kind of agreement between you and a travel company, which is drawn up in two or sometimes in triplicate (one for you, the second for the travel company, and the third, if necessary, presented at the embassy of the host country). A voucher is a guarantee that you have paid (partially or fully) for your stay in a hotel, hotel or other apartment, or, more simply, that you are expected there. Each company has its own established rules for preparing the form, but the following points must be present in the form of a standard travel voucher.

  1. Information about the tourist (tourists): first and last names, gender, dates of birth, number of children and adults.
  2. The name of the country you are traveling to.
  3. Hotel name and room type.
  4. Dates of arrival and departure from the hotel.
  5. Meals (“full board”, “half board”, “breakfast only”).
  6. Type of transfer from the airport and back (for example, group or individual, by bus or car).
  7. Contacts of the receiving party.

Features of the design of a tourist voucher

The voucher is issued quite quickly - it will take literally a few hours, provided you have all the documents with you. Therefore, when going to a travel agency to issue a voucher, do not forget to take with you:

  • foreign passports (for adults);
  • birth certificates (for children);
  • if a child travels with one of the parents, a notarized consent of the other parent will be required;
  • color copies of all the documents listed above;
  • money to pay for the hotel and the services of the travel company itself.

In addition, at the travel agency office you will need to fill out an application for a voucher. In this application you must indicate all the necessary data, including filling out the “purpose of trip” field. Keep in mind that the voucher is issued only to those who visit the country for tourism purposes, so in this column we write “tourism” and in no case indicate that you are traveling for work or business purposes (even if this is the case).

Once you have completed your travel voucher and received it in your hands, check all the information very carefully: it must fully comply with the conditions of your tourist tour. The voucher must have a “wet” seal of the travel company, the date and place of conclusion of the contract, the series and number of the form.

As for Russia and Ukraine, foreigners also need to obtain a tourist voucher to visit these countries. This procedure is no different from that described above. The received voucher should then be presented at the consulate of the destination country, and you will be issued a tourist visa using it.

We wish you a good holiday and as little paperwork as possible!

Every year thousands of tourists plan their holidays at foreign resorts. To visit them, you will need to choose a tour operator, as well as complete the relevant documents. Almost all foreign countries have visa regimes. Applying for a visa on your own can sometimes be quite difficult. A travel voucher helps with this. Let's look at everything in more detail.

What is a travel voucher

This is a document that confirms the booking of a tour or partial/full purchase of a tour, hotel accommodation, meals and other services. It represents an agreement between the travel agency and the client. It is worth considering that the party that issued the voucher assumes responsibility for the temporary residence of a foreign citizen in the territory of another state.

Types of travel voucher:

  1. On official letterhead. This document is issued and signed by the travel agency. It is issued if the traveler intends to visit a state with a visa regime. When applying for an exit visa, you will need to provide this particular voucher. It must bear the seal of the travel agency;
  2. Free form. There is no need to worry that such a document has no legal force. The fact is that travel agents have the right to develop the form of the voucher. After filling out such a document, it is sent by email to the client. He, in turn, can print it out and provide it for a visa upon arrival. Such vouchers are usually issued to tourists who plan to visit countries with a visa-free regime. They are confirmation of the purchase of the tour, as well as the obligations of the travel agent.

The tourist voucher is issued in several copies. The first one is picked up by the transfer guide after meeting the traveler at the airport or train station. It confirms that the tourist has arrived on the territory of the state, and the receiving party has undertaken the obligation to ensure the fulfillment of contractual services.

The second copy remains in the hotel where the tourist lives. He confirms the fact of his settlement. The third remains directly with the traveler. It must be provided during sightseeing tours or when moving outside the hotel premises.

What does a tourist voucher look like?

As mentioned above, the document does not have a clearly established form. This can be either one or several A4 sheets. On their front side there is a travel agency logo. But this may not be the case. The most important thing is that the tourist checks the accuracy of the information about himself entered into the voucher. Otherwise, he risks being left without rest or spending the night not in a hotel, but in a hostel at his own expense.

The document states:

  • Full name, date of birth, gender, number of travelers;
  • number and series of passport, birth certificate (for a child), date of issue of documents, their validity period, citizenship;
  • travel information - purpose of travel (vacation or other purposes);
  • code and name of the tour;
  • route indicating countries and cities.

The voucher must also contain information about the name of the hotel where the tourist is booking a room. In addition, information about the type of room, date of check-in and check-out, type of food, availability of excursions and other services on the tour.

Tourism Voucher Sample

Important! In addition, an indication of the health insurance policy number that will be valid in the territory of another state.

The voucher contains information about the company that issued it. This is the legal name of the travel company, the number of its accreditation or agreement, which gives it the right to operate in the field of tourism services. They also indicate telephone numbers, legal address (branch address) and other contact information.

For what period is the voucher issued?

As a rule, the document is valid for 15-17 days. In principle, this is the duration of a standard leisure trip. Despite this, the voucher is sometimes issued for 30 days. It is worth considering that its validity period may be more than 30 days. But when applying for a visa to travel abroad, consulate employees may have problems

Questions about the length of stay in their country, so to obtain permission to leave for a period of more than 30 days, it is better to use other methods of obtaining a visa rather than a voucher.

Where to get a travel voucher

This document is issued by companies from which tourists order travel organization services. To register and receive a voucher, you must contact the travel agency office or use the online service. You must first consult with a specialist by phone.

To receive a voucher you will need the following documents:

  • foreign passport for citizens over 18 years of age;
  • birth certificate for children;
  • notarized consent for the child to leave the country of one of the parents (if he is traveling accompanied by the other parent);
  • photocopies of the above documents.

You will also need cash in the amount indicated in the voucher. The service costs no more than 1,500 rubles. For urgency you will have to pay extra. The cost depends on the company's pricing policy. In some companies, the procedure for registering and issuing a voucher takes no more than 10-15 minutes. In other cases - up to several days.

What to remember when purchasing a travel voucher

Based on the document, the tourist is issued a visa. She, in turn, is issued for traveling abroad for the purpose of recreation. Even if a tourist travels abroad with other intentions, it is better to indicate tourist purposes in the document. This will eliminate unnecessary questions when applying for a visa and other permits.

The voucher contains information about the hotel where the tourist will stay. Without it, the document is considered invalid. That is, even if a tourist plans to stay with relatives, you still need to book a hotel so that information about this is reflected in the voucher. Then this reservation can be cancelled. Or issue a guest invitation based on a voucher.

A huge number of companies provide visa services without obtaining a travel voucher. They are easy to find on the Internet. You just need to remember that not all of them operate legally. Accordingly, a tourist may fall into the trap of scammers. Therefore, before drawing up a document, you need to make sure that the company’s activities are legal. It must have a registration number in the register of tourism operators.

It is worth considering that in some cases, obtaining a voucher and a visa based on it may require additional investments. This applies to the issuance of documents to citizens from migration-risk countries. Additional confirmation will be required to guarantee their return to their homeland. For example, an open bank account, real estate, etc.

Watch a video about what a travel voucher is

Any trip abroad, regardless of the purpose and duration, requires the execution of certain documents. Even those who have never traveled outside their home country know what a visa is, but even experienced travelers often do not know about a tourist voucher. Why do you need a travel voucher, where and how to apply for it?

What is a travel voucher?

A tourist voucher is a document that confirms a tourist’s booking or payment for a transfer, accommodation in a hotel establishment, meals and other services, and, accordingly, gives the right to receive them. It is something like an agreement between a client and a travel agency, and for employees of consulates and embassies it is a confirmation of the fact that the party that issued it takes responsibility for the temporary residence of a foreigner in the country.

Russian tourists need a voucher for travel to states with entry rules, including the Balkan countries, Peru, Israel, Maldives and Seychelles, and also serves as the basis for issuing a visa to other places (EU countries, Thailand, etc.). In addition, this document is required for all foreigners who enter the territory of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and other republics of the former USSR.

What does a tourist voucher look like?

There are no strict requirements for issuing a tourist voucher - as a rule, it is one or two A4 sheets with certain data. Each travel agency has its own form, and they may differ from each other in appearance, but the document is filled out according to a certain standard. The voucher must contain all information about the traveler(s), the route and the company that organized the tour.

Table. What data is indicated in the voucher?

Data typeDetails
Information about the tourist(s)Full name, gender, dates of birth, number of adults and children, series and numbers of documents, expiration dates, citizenship.
Travel informationPurpose of travel (tourism or targeted tourism), name and code of the tour, route indicating countries and cities.
Prepaid servicesThe name of the hotel (hotels) where the tourist has booked a room, indicating the star rating of the establishment, type of room, date of check-in and check-out, type of food (board, half board or breakfast), individual or group transfer, excursions, etc.
Additional InformationAvailability of health insurance.
Host detailsContact information where you can contact the receiving party in case of unforeseen circumstances.

In addition to the above information, the travel voucher must contain information about the company that issued it, including:

  • legal name of the travel agency;
  • reference number (accreditation number of a travel agency at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or contract number giving the right to issue invitations to tourists from abroad);
  • company number in the Register;
  • contacts: legal address, phone number, etc.

The document consists of two parts: confirmation of admission of a foreign citizen and the actual document for the provision of relevant services. It is issued in several copies - usually in three (to obtain a visa, it is enough to print out the electronic version of the document and present it at the consulate).

The first copy is taken by the guide who meets tourists at the airport as confirmation that the host takes responsibility for his accommodation and meals. The second copy remains at the hotel reception, and the third copy is with the tourist, and you must constantly carry it with you during excursions or just walking around the city. In addition, the tourist voucher is sometimes required by customs or border guards, so it is recommended to put it in a visible place and not lose it.

For what period is the voucher issued?

The voucher is issued for the entire duration of the trip - usually 15-17 days (the duration of a standard trip for entertainment purposes), but not more than 30 days. In theory, the document can be issued for a longer period, but this may raise additional questions from consulate officials, so for a trip lasting more than a month it is better to use another method of obtaining a visa.

Where can I get a travel voucher?

You can issue a travel voucher from the company that organized the trip - to do this you need to come to the office or use a special online service. To obtain it you will need to collect the following documents:

  • for tourists over 18 years of age;
  • birth certificates for children;
  • consent of one of the parents certified by a notary if the child travels abroad accompanied by the other parent;
  • photocopies of the above documents;
  • money to pay for the services specified in the voucher.

Find out detailed information about which and where to travel without a visa from our new article.

The tourist needs to fill out an application for obtaining a document and indicate all the necessary data, and then pay for the service - on average it will cost 1000-1500 rubles, depending on the company’s pricing policy and the urgency of registration. The processing time, as a rule, is no more than one working day (in some travel agencies the procedure takes 10-15 minutes). After receiving the voucher in your hands, you should check all the information: it must correspond to what is indicated in the voucher, otherwise serious troubles may arise when obtaining a visa or crossing the border. In addition, the document must bear the wet seal of the tour operator, the time and place of conclusion of the contract, as well as the series and number of the form.

What do you need to remember when applying for a travel voucher?

If you have the necessary documents, obtaining a tourist voucher is usually a simple procedure, with the exception of citizens from migration-risk countries (Syria, Pakistan, Egypt, etc.). In this case, tour operators require additional guarantees from clients of returning to their homeland, and the cost of the document increases.

Video - What is a travel voucher and how to use it

Tourist voucher - this phrase sounds incomprehensible to some, but tempting. And some have been enjoying its benefits for a long time. Let's figure out what the benefits of using it are and where you can get it.

What it is

The International Travel Voucher is a product of joint efforts of the World Federation of Travel Agency Associations, Usticorp Services Inc - a subsidiary of the Citicorp financial group and tourists of the world. The work lasted for seven years, the goal of which was to create a universal document that would provide a range of possibilities.
The final development has been approved by the International Hotel Association, as well as a number of leading international hotels and government agencies around the world.

The voucher is a document of strict accountability and contains the tourist’s passport data, period of stay in the country being visited, number of nights and accommodation address.

A mandatory attachment is a bank receipt with a stamp confirming payment for the premises. This document is issued to the vacationer after payment for a specific accommodation facility.

Why is it needed?

A tourist voucher is intended for booking hotel rooms, train tickets, car rentals and other types of services that require prepayment. In addition, this document reduces the costs of currency exchange and greatly reduces paperwork. The voucher also ensures your reservation even in cases of late arrival.

When checking into a hotel, it is necessary to clarify the number and specifics of services that should be provided to you: type of food, accommodation, etc. Also, based on this document, the hotel issues an invoice to the travel company in the future.

Also, with a voucher, a tourist can enter some visa-free countries. You will be accepted, for example, by Tunisia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Jordan, etc.

Who issues the travel voucher

You can get a voucher from any tour operator. A necessary condition is that the company you are dealing with must be a member of the National or World Association of Travel Agencies, or both.


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